Capacity Building of BILI and Transfer of Expertise in Response to the Negative Effects of the War in Ukraine

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives Foundation(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The main goal of this project is capacity building of BILI for effective and comprehensive resistance to disinformation, including the ability to recognize false information, respond to it promptly, early warning, as well as conducting research and investigation using open source data. The initiative is a response to the increase of threats and hybrid attacks in the context of the security landscape brought on by the war in Ukraine. BILI’s team will undergo a specialized training, led by three experts in the fields of security, IT, and data manipulation. We will prepare guidelines presenting information regarding the disinformation and the potential for successful countermeasures by civil society organizations (CSOs) in a referenced, systematized and structured way, based on the acquired knowledge and materials. The project planning also includes expertise transfer for activity and capacity building of other CSOs to promptly and successfully deal with the effects of disinformation. Three discussion-based meetings with regional CSOs and activists will be organized and held by BILI across the country. Through the Institute''s website and social media channels, the training resources and other project products will be promoted.

Summary of project results

The project''s primary goal was to increase BILI''s ability to combat disinformation fully and effectively, including identification, prompt response, early reporting, open source data checks, and investigations. Activities to transmit skills to other civil society organizations also were implemented for an effective reaction to and management of the effects of misinformation. The project is a reaction to the rise in threats and hybrid attacks in light of the altered security landscape brought on by the war in Ukraine.

Within the framework of the project, three specialized training sessions were held by experts in the field of security, information technology and work with data. A handbook on disinformation and the potential for successful counteraction by civil society organizations was also developed, using information that was studied, cited, and organized. The project''s efforts are a reaction to the unfavourable effects of the war in Ukraine, including the detrimental impact of disinformation and propaganda on the operations of CSOs.

The final output of all activities implemented under the project is the preparation of a handbook "The Civil Society against Disinformation". The handbook expands the toolkit for raising awareness and resilience of the civil society sector to the negative effects of disinformation and delegitimizing propaganda campaigns.

The handbook was distributed (electronically and in hard copy) to more than 3,000 CSOs representatives across the country.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.