The war takes away childhood from children!

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Network for Children Assosiation(BG)
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The war actions in Ukraine are going to leave a long-term mark on our societies and the imprint on children’s minds would be huge. In Bulgaria there are over 20 000 children from Ukraine and a big part of them are expected to enter Bulgarian educational and day-care system. Those children are coming here with great trauma and this trauma and the loses they witnessed are passed on to the Bulgarian children. We need to know how to talk to them in such a way so any disinformation and propaganda are avoided.  
The project aims at building up the capacity of non-governmental organizations and institutions who work with children.

The project includes development of materials for children which are going to be widely disseminated and communicated. Specialized webinars and trainings aiming at increasing the capacity of the specialists towards successful governance of NGOs are going to be conducted. Project’s target groups are National Network for Children’s members organizations which work directly with Ukrainian children suffering the war actions. The end beneficiaries are the general public in Bulgaria.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project was aimed at building the skills of civil society organizations and institutions working with children to communicate what is happening in Ukraine and to address the needs of asylum seekers with a focus on children.


The project included: creation and promotion of materials for CSOs providing services to refugees from Ukraine; Creating materials intended for children to be used by organizations and adults, talking openly about war and peace without propaganda and misinformation; creation of materials designed for children, where they can be used by organizations and adults, talking openly about war and peace without propaganda and misinformation; field visits in different places in the country to different civil society organizations, members of the NNC, to strengthen links for better advocacy and coordination for humanitarian support by organizations working with children; conducting trainings and specialized webinars to enhance the capacity of specialists in good governance of CSOs, as well as for successful communication in war and crisis situations and in conditions of misinformation.

Thanks to the efforts of the project, links with civil society organizations were strengthened for better coordination in providing support and advocacy to Ukrainian children and families. Capacity has been built for good governance of CSOs involved in the implementation of project activities and how to speak out about the war on children and how to counter propaganda and misinformation. The efforts of organisations working with children in supporting refugees from Ukraine and restoring peace have been effectively communicated.
National Network for Children Association, together with its member organizations will continue their efforts to support Ukrainian children and families.
Campaign presentation subpage:
Main page of National Network for Children:

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