Building an accessible network for legal aid to displaced persons from Ukraine in Bulgaria and preventing and counteracting human trafficking

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The war in Ukraine has increased the number of asylum seekers, diversifying the regions where there are large numbers of refugees. The legal framework governing their situation has also changed: the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive confronts lawyers with the need to deal with new matter. Guaranteeing human rights requires professional commitment by lawyers at various points in the country. The aim of the project is to ensure the provision of affordable legal aid and to help respond quickly and effectively to the needs of persons displaced by the war in Ukraine. On the one hand, this will be guaranteed by the PHAR legal team, and on the other - by training new lawyers and building a mutual assistance network operating on the basis of common standards. The specific profile of the arrivals - vulnerable groups, easy victims for trafficking - suggests the need for prevention and countermeasures, in this particular case through an information campaign and legal assistance. If necessary, psychological support will also be provided. The lack of timely and accessible legal aid can further jeopardize the guarantee of human rights, in particular of persons displaced by the war in Ukraine, and the failure to identify the potential risks to the vulnerable persons of trafficking may turn them into victims. Therefore, the expected result is the guarantee of affordable legal aid for the direct users, namely the refugees, in compliance with all ethical standards and the prevention and counteraction of the potential risk of human trafficking.

Summary of project results

In the course of the project "Building an accessible network for legal aid to displaced persons from Ukraine in Bulgaria and preventing and counteracting human trafficking" a network of lawyers providing legal aid was established according to common ethical, psychological and logistical standards.

The network holds monthly meetings to exchange experiences which, ensuring sustainability, continue after its completion. An informational video on the prevention of trafficking in human beings was also produced to assist those displaced from Ukraine, but also other vulnerable groups and experts.


Among the results of the project is the collection of articles "Current Issues in Refugee and Migration Law". 12 infographics explaining in an accessible way topics also covered in the volume are available both on the website of the Foundation for Access to Rights and on social media. 6 videos with leading experts provide further explanations on some of the most crucial issues related to migration, integration and policies in the field. An event was organized to present the collection as well as other project results. It was a platform for active exchange of experiences, discussions and sharing of ideas, bringing together 43 representatives of international organisations, NGOs, state and local institutions.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.