Strengthening the network of active local Roma groups for the empowerment of Roma communities in North Western Bulgaria

Project facts

Project promoter:
Roma-Lom Foundation(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The proposed project will be implemented by Roma-Lom Foundation (RLF) in the two districts of Vidin and Montana for 24 months. The project addresses the issues related to the exclusion of the Roma from social life and the development of integration policies, including lack of faith among the Roma neighbourhoods that it is also up to them to make a difference. The project aims at empowering vulnerable groups such as the Roma and the goal will be achieved in the following way: • building civic capacity within the Roma community for self-organization and advocacy; • setting up and consolidating 10 local citizen groups in the Roma neighbourhoods, hands-on training of 70 Roma activists and 4 community facilitators; • advocacy campaigns (at least 10), organized by the groups, about topical and capable-of-solution issues for the benefit of the citizens of the Roma neighbourhoods. An integral component of our strategy is to set up local active Roma groups to have a critical mass of active citizens among the Roma community. Our team has worked for years towards having an open forum for reaching consensus solutions and taking the Roma community to a better negotiation position to uphold efficient integration policies through consolidation of the Roma leadership, mobilization of direct citizen involvement in the neighbourhoods and re-establishment of the broken links between experts/leaders and the Roma communities. Key expected project outcomes are: • 10 sustainable local groups with about 70 activists with developed practical skills for community work as Roma catalysts for setting of groups and advocacy; • 15.000 more Roma involved to support the proposed solutions submitted to the institutions through 10 advocacy campaigns and local activities. The project will help empower the Roma as active citizens and participants in the steps to overcome the social isolation of the Roma community.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the problems of Roma exclusion from public life and from the processes of shaping integration policies, including the disbelief among Roma neighbourhoods that change also depends on them. As a result, there is a certain demotivation and feeling of lack of perspective among the Roma community. On the other hand, there is a lack of interest in local authorities to engage in policies concerning the Roma community; interest only in infrastructure projects. In many places there is also a lack of opportunities for interaction with local authorities. Opportunities for community capacity building are also rare; most measures are in the area of services.

The project helped to restore the confidence of the representatives of the Roma community that they can and need to actively participate in the formation and implementation of policies and measures on specific issues concerning not only the Roma community, but also the development of the locality and the region. Active civic groups of representatives of the Roma community were created, with hard cores of active young Roma from the region of the project''s action. Actions and campaigns were carried out in the target locations of the project.

- Active local groups established.

- Created a space for interaction between Roma community representatives and local authorities.

- Replacement of electricity wires and provision of quality electricity supply in Roma neighbourhood.

- Construction of a bypass to provide drinking water.

- Securing a sewage drain in a Roma neighbourhood.

- Involvement of the Roma community in discussions to prepare the Integrated Municipal Development Plan (IMDP). Signing of an agreement between the Roma-Lom Foundation and the Municipality of Lom for specific projects under the IMDP.

- Installation of a secure bus stop for children and pupils from a Roma neighbourhood.

- Ensure the cleaning of Roma neighbourhoods with the participation of the community itself.

- Ensuring support from representatives of the Roma community in the preparation of a Detailed Spatial Plan necessary to start the regularisation procedure for the Humata neighbourhood in Lom, under the Integrated Services Complex project.

- 10 active groups established in Northwest Bulgaria.

- Trained 76 people, mostly young people from the community.

- Participation in over 210 meetings in Roma neighbourhoods.

- Organized meetings with local authorities.

- 4 training sessions conducted for active groups from the settlements.

There are established measures and policies concerning the Roma community in the Plan for integrated development of the municipality of Lom. Active groups were formed locally and good relations built between the representatives of the Roma community and the local authorities, which is a good prerequisite for continuing good practices.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.