Defending our rights in times of populism - capacity building for the team, partners and supporters of BFPA in the field of advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights

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Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association(BG)
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Over the last several years we have observed a growing trend of organization of populist campaigns, targeted at health and sexual education and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Following the public scandals with the rejection of the Instanbul Convention and the Strategy for the Child, the attacks targeted the LGBT community, sexual education, abortions, etc. Conservative and religious organizations in Europe spend 2-3 million EUR each year to lobby against abortions and SRHR, organizations in the US spend even more. Well-financed, such movements use the “black PR” methods, disseminating myths and fake news to instigate unfounded atavistic fears and encourage far right populist policies. It is increasingly difficult for NGOs to uphold the values of democracy and human rights and the achievements in this field. New approaches and better skills are necessary to resist negative campaigns and populist rhetoric. The project aims at boosting the capacity of Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPSHA) and partner NGOs to uphold state ad European policies in the field of SRHR. The project will work to increase the analytical skills in national and international law on SRHR and the ways to have a successful PR. Two training sessions are planned, 6 discussions for the development of a common PR and communication strategy, promotion and attraction of like-minded followers. The activities will benefit at least 60 supporters of our organization across the country and partner networks such as the National Network of Health Mediators, National Network for Children, Bulgarian Platform for International Development and others.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to increase the knowledge and skills of the BFPA team and partner NGOs to support national and European policies in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). In order to achieve the expected results two trainings and several discussion meetings took place, an PR and Communication strategy was elaborated, aimed to attracting supporters and advocacy in this area.

The two capacity building trainings were planned and organized in a time allowing participatory involvement of people. Despite the difficulties due to the restrictive KOVID-19 measures, we achieved the maximum possible participation of the target groups - 41 trained representatives of BFPA teams across the country, Board members, as well as partners from the National Network of Health Mediators, Bulgarian Platform for International Development, WHO, Bulgarian Red Cross Youth, ARGI, IOM and others. Due to the difficulties in organizing live meetings, a flexible approach was applied. Discussion meetings took place online. A special online questionnaire was developed to gather the feedback and the opinions of 36 employees and supporters for the elaboration of the Communication strategy.  Part of the resources, planned for meetings. were used for the development of 5 episodes of a podcast channel for the generations of human rights, part of the Communication strategy of BFPA  The project provided an opportunity to develop and disseminate a Communication Strategy (2021-2022) to a wider range of supporters.

The project helped to advance the knowledge and skills of the BFPA teams and supporters in an extremely important area at the moment - how to defend our positions in a hostile environment for civil society organizations and SRHR issues. The Communication strategy will be a key document for the work of the organization in the coming years. A new communication channel has been created - a human rights podcast of BFPA, that will be used by all human rights organizations and other stakeholders. After the end of the project, more episodes will be produced to increase the legal knowledge of a wider audience.

The project provoked the interest of international networks and organizations (e.g. the Member Associations of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)) and it is likely that the good practices will be multiplied in other countries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.