Funds for Non-governmental Organisations

Key facts

Programme Operator:
Open Estonia Foundation
Programme ID:
Date of approval:
Total amount:
EEA Grants fund:
Norway Grants fund:
€ 0
Programme areas:

Currently available funding

Programme Summary

Why is the programme needed? Despite the growing number of registered non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Estonia (about 32 000, according to the 2010 USAID Development Index), the Estonian civil society experiences considerable challenges in promoting active citizenship, participatory democracy and targeting the needs of and empowering minorities. At the same time it is worth noting that the past fifteen years have brought considerable changes in the social, political and economic landscape of Estonia. Among Eastern European countries, Estonia has been referred to as a success story characterised by a rapid democratic transition.   What will the programme achieve? In order to meet the abovementioned challenges, the programme focuses on support to NGO capacity building, the promotion of democratic values including human rights and the development of advocacy and watchdog role as well as developing social services with focus on activities targeting children and youth. Moreover, support to multicultural dialogue and the integration of national minorities is prioritised. The Programme will tackle horizontal concerns such as: hate speech, extremism, racism and xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, tolerance/multicultural understanding, Roma, sexual harassment, violence against women and trafficking.   How will it be achieved?
  • Funding is made available through five open calls: two open calls for projects fostering advocacy and addressing issues of democratic values and three open calls for small capacity building projects.
  • A pre-defined capacity-building project „Development programme for public benefit NGOs“ is also included adding value to the Programme through specific capacity building measures.
  • Under democratic values and advocacy development, supported measures may include network projects, encouraging coalitions of NGOs to work in cooperation or large-scale projects, focusing on advocacy and watchdog roles of NGOs. Under capacity-building measures, there will be specific support to minority NGOs, as well as service provision NGOs.
  How will bilateral relations be strengthened? In collaboration with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the programme includes joint events planned to take place in 2014 and 2015. These events may include activities such as exchanges of experts and professional trainers, joint celebrations of the Day of Democracy (15 September) and the Day of Human Rights (10 December). Furthermore, at least two study trips will be organised with the aim of sharing experiences of capacity-building among project promoters.   What are the partnership opportunities? The Programme will contribute to strengthening cooperation with Donors States, Council of Europe and other Beneficiary States at programme and project level through bilateral activities and complementary actions. Partnerships with Donor State’s entities on project level are encouraged and help for partner search will be provided. Furthermore, seed money funds are provided for project applicants to facilitate bilateral cooperation.   Who can apply for funding under this programme? The NGO Programme is targeted at NGOs. Eligible applicants are non-governmental public benefit organisations (associations and foundations) which are established as a legal entity; have a non-commercial purpose; are independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organisations. Religious institutions, political parties, trade and professional associations are not eligible.  A one-year experience is set as criteria for applicants for large-scale and network projects.