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This document is the interim report for the Rapid Assessment of organisational grants in the Active Citizens Fund (ACF) under the 2014-2021 EEA and Norway Grants, under Framework Agreement No. 2017-01. The assessment is delivered by Tetra Tech International Development Europe. It was launched following signature of the detailed contract and the kick-off meeting between the study team and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) on 15 May 2023. The assessment explores the relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the organisational grants’ modality in the ACF compared to project funding and how its set-up contributes to the overall objectives of the ACF. It will also provide recommendations on the feasibility of incorporating this modality as one of the standard options in the next programming period. In total, the assessment covers 70 organisational grants spread across 7 ACF programmes piloting organisational grants with unique structures in Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Poland (National and Regional) and Slovenia.