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Review of the EEA and Norway Grants support to biodiversity in the 2004-2009 funding period. The review was conducted by PITIJA and was published in March 2010.
Main findings:
The number of biodiversity projects coming forward has been restricted, either by pre-set allocations or preferences of applicants for pollution abatement infrastructure projects, which have a more obvious and direct impact on the environment and respond to public concern.
The supported projects are relevant to the achievement of national and international biodiversity objectives and obligations, and for research to establish key data to assist with the protection and management of species and habitats and the projects are estimated to have long term positive impacts.
Of the 52 projects investigated, only ten focused on education or public awareness, which has been identified as a major obstacle for citizens wanting to take action to arrest the decline in biodiversity.
Project ownership is good, with Project Promoters ensuring their projects remained active during the long gestation period, often by securing other resources.