The Project will address priorities for adaptation within the sectors Water Resources, and Agriculture and Forests. The project aims the development and implementation of adaptation strategies to climate change (CC) in multipurpose reservoir systems management. The Monte Novo and Vigia reservoir were elected as case studies based on the following factors: a) Importance of the system in the context of the urban water supply in the district of Évora b) Both reservoirs are multipurpose (urban supply and irrigation). c) The region faces evident risks of high CC impacts, with particular focus on water resources, in particular the precipitation annual distribution and total annual precipitation and increase of the occurrence of meteorological extreme events;; d) Potential increase of irrigation areas will make necessary the implementation of adaptation measures to enable the reduction of cultural irrigation needs; e) Monte Novo reservoir is connected to the Alqueva reservoirs through a water transfer infrastructure, but associated energy costs are potentially high. f) Water quality is already a problem and may be potentiated by air temperature increase and extreme meteorological events. Indicators (targets): a) Number of sectors with improved capacity to assess vulnerability to climate change (2); b) Number of sectoral projects supported through AdaPT (1). Project Products a) Website of the project GestAqua.AdaPT; b) Final report on environmental monitoring; c) Interim progress on adaptation strategies; d) Final seminar; e) Final report on adaptation.
Summary of project results
The GestAqua.AdaPT project was designed for the study of the sustainability of water resources in a Mediterranean region, which is expected to have significant impacts from possible climate change with particular relevance to the potential effect they may have on the water resources. As case studies, the Monte Novo and Vigia reservoirs were selected, both multipurpose reservoirs used as urban supply and irrigation water sources and considered representative of the main issues affecting fresh water in the Alentejo region, namely water scarcity and quality. According to the analysis carried out in the GestAqua.AdaPT project, the risks for water resources sustainability tend to increase in view of the climate change foreseen in the region. In fact, the results of climatic scenarios indicate an increase in the average temperature in the study area, mostly felt in the in the summer months. Results for precipitation generally indicate a decrease in annual precipitation as well as a tendency for more intense wet seasons and longer dry periods. The results obtained from the sequential application of climatic scenarios, hydrological, hydrodynamic and water quality models, indicate that the impacts of climate change on water resources of the two reservoirs will be generally negative, especially in the most extreme climate scenario (RCP 8.5). The GestAqua.AdaPT project presents some innovative aspects such as: a) Implementation of mathematical models sequence for an integrated analysis of the hydrological cycle to be applied to the definition of adaptation strategies, b) environmental monitoring of the variables relevant to the case studies, (C) partnership between water resources management and research partners, (d) stakeholders from the water supply and the agricultural sectors and e) implementation of the developed adaptation strategies in the operation of supply systems. Following the initially defined project objectives, the methodologies implemented in GestAqua.Adapt can be replicated to other water systems, with clear benefits in the management of multiple purpose water systems which may also include energy production. The representativeness and reproducibility of methods is obtained, as well as the identification and definition of climate change adaptation strategies are key features of GestAqua.Adapt and definitely aligns it with the central objectives of the AdaPT program.
Summary of bilateral results
The Vestlandsforsking partner was responsible, together with the promoter, for the development of Task 6 - Development of Adaptation Strategies in a Climate Change scenario. It also participated in Task 2 - Characterization of Climate Change scenarios according to regional model results, and in Task 7 - Dissemination and publicity.