A Decent Project for Decent Work

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS)
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 84,322
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project will result in the clarification of the ILO decent work agenda and the improvement of its visibility with a focus on youth, increased influence on active engagement and cooperation between social partners on the field of youth employment. It will also facilitate cooperation between the educational system, youth and social partners on youth employment and the decent work agenda. The target group is young people aged up to 29, who will be included in a comprehensive analysis conducted by a Slovenian expert. The project promoter will also employ one young person and organize eight meetings as well as a video contest on the decent work agenda. The project will influence the social partners’ cooperation in a positive direction. Through project partnership the project outcome will result in measures and suggestions for national regulatory bodies. The bodies developed will promote concrete proposals for the inclusion of a set of Active Labor Market Policies indicators in the preparation of youth activation policies in the labor market. The partner, LO, will provide relevant information on the youth labor market in Norway and participate in two working visits.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to enhance the understanding among social partners and youth on the decent work benefits and to promote good examples in combatting youth unemployment. The project objectives were: •to contribute to the implementation of ILO decent work agenda and improving its visibility with focus on youth •to focus on an active engagement and cooperation between social partners on the field of youth employment •to contribute to the cooperation among the educational system, youth and social partners regarding the field of youth employment and decent work agenda. The project outputs are: •One comparative analysis of the youth labor markets in Norway and Slovenia – based on the findings and conclusions of the assessment,11 measures for a better active employment policy have been suggested •A set of evaluation indicators for assessment of youth labor market policies in Slovenia has been developed •8 working meetings in Slovenia on youth employment, labor rights, job search and on improvement of labor market policies towards decent work agenda. More than 150 participants attended the meetings •One video contest on decent work agenda, resulting in 10 registered videos from youth •One e-toolkit - including materials from the workshops •One publication “ Problematic analysis of youth labor in light of decent Work Agenda” , including information and statistics from Slovenia , Norway and other EEA countries. •More than 60 participants, aged between 15 and 29 years, attended the 5 workshop – on workers’ rights, changes in the field of labour legislation in Slovenia, including the changes Labour Law Act (ZDR-1) and the changes in civil contracts, decent working conditions include guaranteed health and safety and work, etc.

Summary of bilateral results

The role of the Norwegian partner, namely LO Norway, was of a crucial importance to the projects' results. LO was involved in the comparative analysis of the youth labor markets in Norway and Slovenia, The Norwegian partner with its knowledge and experience have contributed to the different meetings and elaboration of training materials,