Mobility project of Univerity of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 3,698
The project is carried out in:


Project is needed to enhance the cooperation between our institutions and entreprises in order to actively seek projects to work together. We have created very good relations with our partners from that program that we will continue even now. The objective is to have more close cooperation in order to further develop our institutions and share know-how and best practices. The impact is more hands-on experience from our partners and closer cooperational ties. The outcome is more enhanced and close cooperation through mobility of staff and teacher.

Summary of project results

Main target groups were music theory lecturers and students in Norway and traditional music teachers and students both in Estonia and Norway. The outcome was more enhanced and close cooperation through mobility of staff and teachers. Main objectives and outcomes were: to introduce e-learning possibilities in ear-training and music-theoretical skills and get feedback to our e-learning courses in learning environment Moodle to develop the courses; to introduce Estonian traditional music and its teaching methods in Norway and give our lecturers opportunity to get acquainted with Norwegian teaching methods; to give our lecturers an opportunity to practice teaching in multicultural environment and in foreign language; to give our students an opportunity to get acquainted with Nordic traditional music; to make and keep tight contacts with Norwegian music institutions to arrange student and staff mobility in the future. The cooperation was very good and open. The participating staff members were very pleased with the programme and their stay abroad exeriences. Gained a lot of experience and know-how from their time abroad as well as from hosting visitors here and that has positively contributed our students here as well. More interest within the staff and students for spending a semester abroad after hearing about the experiences of our teachers and having access to foreign guests.

Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation was very good and open. We are still working closely with the institutions and have future cooperation ideas set out