Urban development by strengthening the competence of self-government units, social dialogue and cooperation with civil society representatives

Key facts

Programme Operator:
Ministry for Economic Development, Department of Assistance Programmes
Programme ID:
In implementation
Date of approval:
Total amount:
EEA Grants fund:
Norway Grants fund:
€ 0

Currently available funding

Programme Summary

Why is the programme needed? The programme responds to the challenges of urban policy and aims to develop territorial governance in Poland. It will contribute to enhanced territorial cohesion. The programme is to be seen in the context of the Polish legal framework, in particular the National Urban Policy and the National Spatial Development Concept 2030. Urban policy is to be implemented through partnerships and cooperation at all levels in line with the principle of subsidiarity. At present, there is a lack of sufficient cooperation between self-government units to ensure the necessary integrated socio-economic and spatial planning.   What will the programme achieve? The programme will contribute to the development of mechanisms of effective cooperation both among local government units and between individuals and representatives of civil society and entrepreneurs. Regions and urban areas are expected to intensify their cooperation in the field of public and private services, business development, and innovation to stimulate social and economic development. This is expected to lead to increased inter-municipal and inter-sectoral cooperation in planning and implementation of social and economic development strategies between local governments. In overall, the programme will support the development of good governance.   How will it be achieved?
  • Partnerships between self-government units and between local authorities and representatives of the NGO sector, social partners and business;
  • Integrated strategies for development of functional areas (e.g. urban area) through partnerships and local action plans;
  • Inter-sectoral collaboration tools within the particular municipalities or functional areas (e.g. IT tools to facilitate the conduct of public consultations);
  • Development of tools and methods for the exchange of experience between self-government units, e.g. through networks of cooperation.
  How will bilateral relations be strengthened? It is expected that local government authorities from Poland and Norway will benefit from the cooperation through exchange of expertise and knowledge of urban development.   What are the partnership opportunities? Projects submitted for the open call allow partnerships between Polish and Norwegian local entities. The Association of Polish Cities and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities will assist in the identification of potential partnerships. In order to promote the creation and development of partnerships, partners can apply under the bilateral cooperation fund for support of up to €6 000. An open call will be launched to this end in 2013.   Who can apply for funding under this programme? Self-government authorities at various levels in Poland, also in partnership with Norwegian local authorities, are eligible as project applicants.