Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change

Key facts

Programme Operator:
Ministry of Finance
Programme ID:
In implementation
Programme Donors
Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA)
Date of approval:
Total amount:
EEA Grants fund:
Norway Grants fund:
€ 0

Currently available funding

Programme Summary

Why is the Programme needed? Over the past twenty years the state of the environment in the Czech Republic (CZ) has improved significantly, particularly as regards to air and water quality, however when it comes to the status of biodiversity, ecosystems and the services they provide, the situation is still unsatisfactory.  In addition to threatening factors remaining from the past, other adverse effects associated with the development of new infrastructure and human settlements as well as new trends in land use are increasingly affecting the status of biodiversity and the ecosystem.What will the Programme achieve? The main aim of the programme is to contribute to halt loss of biodiversity and to develop systems for the exchange of information on adaptation to climate change. This will be done by applying an eco-innovation approach employing up-to-date scientific knowledge, improving the administration and monitoring of Natura 2000 sites, improving the protection and management of important habitats, establishing a system for engaging landowners in the protection of habitats and species, securing the management of biotopes for specially protected species of flora and fauna and increasing resilience of habitats or whole ecosystems, implementing measures aimed at increasing access to migration corridors for animals, and limiting any further fragmentation. The support for adaptation measures will focus primarily on stabilising the landscape water regime, increasing protection and efficient usage of water resources, prevention and management of extreme meteorological and hydrological situations. This will mainly be done by improving the river basin management, optimisation of water management infrastructure, capturing and re-use storm-water in urban areas and prevention and management of extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts.How will it be achieved? The results will be achieved by:
  • Collecting and monitoring data from species and habitats in 8 Natura 2000 sites,
  • Implementing 24 management plan measures, 3 environmental education programs and campaigns,
  • Developing 3 new interpretative infrastructure,
  • Developing 2 national biodiversity policy measures
  • Conducting 3 surveys and analysis focused on the status of threats of the landscape
  • Implementing 3 measures focusing on decreasing the threats and fragmentation
  • Implementing monitoring programs in 2 geoparks that includes systems for information exchange,
  • Developing web databases, implement workshops and conferences, surveys and monitoring systems to raise awareness on climate change,
  • Conducting 5 impact assessments and cost and benefit analysis.
How will bilateral relations be strengthened? The Ministry of the Environment (MoE) plan to use the Fund for bilateral cooperation to establish cooperation, exchange, share and transfer of knowledge, technologies, experience and good practices between beneficiaries and partners in the donor states. 1.5 % of eligible programme expenses will be allocated for these activities. Applicants will have the opportunity to request the reimbursement of costs directly related to the above activities. The MoE envisages that it will be possible to use financial resources for Complementary Actions to strengthen cooperation between the Ministry and its counterparts in the donor states. This process will primarily involve the exchange of experience with best practices between the MoE and the programme partner, the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management (DN), as well as between departmental organisations of the Ministry of the Environment and environmental institutions and bodies in the partner countries. The relevant activities will consist mainly of organising seminars, workshops and conferences and arranging study trips for Czech experts to the donor countries and for experts from partner organisations to the Czech Republic.What are the partnership opportunities? The programme is suited for partnership. The programme partner is the Norwegian state institution, the Directorate for Nature Management (DN). Its representatives have worked with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Finance on the preparation of the programme. The Programme Operator (PO) proposes to split the allocation on the Fund for Bilateral cooperation on the programme level 20/80 between measures 1 and 2. Activities to be supported are: 1)    The search for partners for donor partnership projects prior to or during the preparation of a project application, the development of such partnerships and the preparation of an application for a donor partnership project; 2)    Networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between Project Promoters and entities in the Donor States At least two months before the Open Call and the Small Grants Schemes Call announcements, the PO and the DPP will publish the call on their web-sites. The PO will also initiate and organise events and meetings funded by the bilateral fund in order to promote donor partnership projects for outreach and seminars for potential projects applicants and potential donor project partners. Under measure 2 all project promoters will have the possibility to ask for a grant for networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice related to the approved project with entities from the Donor states.Who can apply for funding under this programme? Entities registered in the Czech Republic are eligible to apply as project applicants together with Norwegian partner entities. These are:
  • legal persons
  • local administrative units (regions and municipalities)
  • unions of municipalities
  • non-governmental organisations (e.g. public benefit organisations or civic associations) state-contributory organisations
  • organisational units of the state
  • scientific research institutions
  • state organisations and state enterprises