Information seminar for the programmes on gender equality and domestic and gender-based violence in Estonia

August14 - 152013
Gender equality and work-life balance promoted in Estonia
DRAFT AGENDA 09:30-10:00    Registration. Coffee and refreshments10:00-10:15   Welcome notes10:15-11:00   Risk Analysis11:00-11:45   Communication and PR11:45- 12:30  Questions and Comments, FAQ12:30-13:30   Lunch13:30-14:30    Parallel workshops on sharing Norwegian practices
  1. Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance
  2. Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
Presentations and discussions on Norwegian practices and Estonian needs14:30-14:45   Coffee break14:45-15:45   Parallel workshops continuePresentations and discussions on Norwegian practices and Estonian needs15:45-16:30   Summary of the day Participation at the event is free of charge, but requires previous enrolment. Registration is available at until August 12, 2013.The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the agenda