Workshop: Working together to find common answers

Workshop: Working together to find common answers
During the first workshop, tools and methods that are efficient for sensitizing, informing and making young people active about issues regarding vulnerable groups and human rights will be discussed. The second workshop will examine nontraditional tools of creativity and communication that can help to empower people living with disabilities, diseases or dependence so that they become active citizens who are more capable of shaping their own life and others'. With input from Hungarian NGOs and Norwegian professionals active within the field, as well as interested citizens, the participants will work together in order to share best practices from Hungary and Norway, and to come up with innovative answers to burning social issues.The workshops are organised under the Hungarian 'NGO programme', with support from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.Last day of registration is 30 September.Register for the workshop on education and sensitization inside/outside schoolsRegister for the workshop on creativity and communication as tools of empowermentRead more about the EEA Grants NGO programme in HungaryRead more about the EEA Grants to Hungary