Together for the environment – EEA and Norway Grants for environmental education

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The conference 'Together for the Environment – EEA and Norway Grants for Environmental Education' will cover environmental education from several angles, including innovative methods of education, outdoor environmental education and environmental education targeted to specific audiences. Attended by grant beneficiaries, prospective applicants as well as local and national government representatives, the conference will serve as a platform for networking, and the sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice in environmental education in Poland and the three donor countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.The conference is organised by the Ministry of Environment of Poland which is the programme operator of the Polish 'Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services', 'Improving Environmental Monitoring and Inspection' and the 'Saving Energy and Promoting Renewable Energy Source' programmes.Download the conference agendaRead more about the eventRead more about the 'Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services' programmeRead more about the 'Improving Environmental Monitoring and Inspection' programmeRead more about the 'Saving energy and promoting renewable energy source' programmeRead more about the EEA and Norway Grants to Poland