Second Roma Roundtable Discussion

May27 - 282015
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The percentage of pupils from socially marginalized environment, including the Roma, with completed secondary education (apprenticeship or graduation) is relatively low. In light of this, the roundtable will discus available forms of support of socially disadvantaged students, including Roma, to the successful completion of secondary education and for the subsequent entry in the labour market. Support mechanisms for prospective college students will likewise be discussed.The roundtable will, amongst others, see the participation of representatives from the National Focal Point, the Norwegian Royal Embassy in Bratislava, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, the Council of Europe and Slovak secondary schools.The roundtable is organised by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic which is the operator of the Slovak 'Local and Regional Initiatives to Reduce National Inequalities and to Promote Social Inclusion' programme under the EEA Grants.Read more about the Slovak 'Local and Regional Initiatives to Reduce National Inequalities and to Promote Social Inclusion' programmeRead more about the EEA and Norway Grants to Slovakia