More Than a Job – Work Breaks the Cycle of Violence against Women

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Gender based violence is a large societal challenge in both Spain and Norway. Due to the systematic abuse, victims of gender-based violence often suffer from reduced self-confidence and self-esteem which hinders their active engagement in the labour market. Furthermore, reduced work-life participation makes victims of gender-based violence more dependent on their partners.The event will examine activities that are currently being implemented by enterprises in Spain for the awareness raising and the social and labour integration of women who have been subject to gender-based violence, as well as how highlight the importance of the cooperation between the different organisations (public and private) that are working with women who have been subject to gender-based violence – to promote their social and labour integration and to support them in taking back control over their lives.The event is organised by the Sør-Odal Municipality, Glåmdal Shelter Service and the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud in Norway and is one of two events organised in parallel to the NGO CSW Forum Beijing +20.The event is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Spanish 'Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance' programme.Read more about the Spanish 'Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance' programme