The purpose of the Project is to train representatives of local governmental administrations in practical application of geo-information through the creation of a web portal and training material for the INSPIRE Academy Training Programme, with the overall objective of enhancing commune management planning through the use of Geographical Information Systems. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - determination of level of diversity in target groups; - elaboration of training concept; - web portal development; - pilot training and evaluation; - preparation and execution of training; - summary assessment of training and closing activities; - management and publicity activities. The Project Promoter is the Environmental Information Centre UNEP/GRID-Warsaw - Branch of the National Foundation for Environmental Protection. Subject to national law, the Project shall be implemented in partnership with a)Tonsberg Kommune - Kommuneutvikling, b) Statens Kartverk (Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority) and c) Intergraph Polska Sp. z.o.o. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter shall provide at least 15.87 percent of the estimated eligible cost.