The purpose of the Project is generation of new knowledge in diagnostics and laser renovation to be utilized in the conservation of metal artworks, with the overall objective of improved conservation of metal artworks. Reference is made to the application dated 9 November, 2007 and to any subsequent correspondance with the Focal Point. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: • Develop diagnostic methods for the analysis of artwork made out of metal (alloy), containing metal in superficial layers, or top layers of metal, which will result in the safer use of laser restoration technology for metal cleaning; • Develop a laser system that will generate pulses of a controlled shape and time duration and implement it in a target laser renovation technology; • Analysis of any physical phenomena occurring during and after laser pulse and object interaction, based on a data base which will be updated on a daily basis; • Presentation of current and final results of the project at thematic conferences, meetings, and exhibitions, as well as on internet pages of the project participants; • Dissemination of the result and incorporation of aquired knowledge in the educational programs of students attending the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art AFA and Faculties of Material Science in WUT and MUT; • Purchase of equipment (e.g. plasma cleaner, x-ray fluorescence spectrometer, laser heads); and • Management and publicity The Project Promoter is Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). Subject to national law, the Project shall be implemented in partnership with two Polish partners, the Institute of Optoelectronics (IOE) of Military University of Technology (MUT) and the Academy of Fine Arst In Warsaw (IAICR), and one Norwegian partner, the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU). The Focal Point shall ensure that the Ministry of Science and Higher Education provides at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project costs.