The purpose of the Project is to renovate two orthodox churches in Szczebrzeszyn and Dolhobyczow, with the overall objective of preserving cultural heritage in Poland and supporting cultural-religious tourism in the region. Reference is made to the application, dated 9 October 2007 and to any subsequent correspondence with the Focal Point. The Project shall include the following activities and results: - Renovation of the nave and other interior works in the Orthodox church of "Our lady Falling Asleep" in Szczebrzeszyn - Renovation of the nave and other interior works in the Orthodox church of "Simeon the Stylite" in Dolhobyczow - Installation of power grids - Installation of security systems for the churches - Construction of fencing for both churches - Preservation of paintings in both churches - Project Management, Publicity and Promotional activities The Project Promoter is the Orthodox Diocese of Lublin-Chelm. The Project shall be implemented in partnership with the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU). The Focal Point shall ensure that the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage shall provide at least 12 percent of the total estimated project costs and the Project Promoter shall provide at least 3 percent of the total estimated project costs.