The purpose of the Project is to monitor individual areas in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park in order to obtain valuable data and train the park employees, with the overall objective of improving the state of the natural environment in The Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Ceské Švýcarsko) in the Czech Republic. Reference is made to the application dated 29 May 2006, and correspondence with the Focal Point dated 1 September 2006, 12 January 2007 and 21 March 2007. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - geo-chemical monitoring of precipitation water, seepage water, surface water and groundwater and assessment of the water pollution rate; - monitoring and evaluation of the geo-dynamic phenomena in the park; - hydro-meterological monitoring, including the establishment of a hydrometerological station; - monitoring and evaluation of the endangered flora and species; - monitoring and evaluation of the forest ecosystem; - monitoring biological diversity of the inverse grills and proposal for their management; - monitoring and evaluation of the migration of cloven-hoofed game; - monitoring and assessing the tourism pressure on the national park ecosystem; - purchase of the specialist equipment for environmental monitoring; - Project publicity. The Project Promoter is the Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter provides at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project costs.