Responsible education and development opportunities for Roma children and youth in Homorod

Project facts

Project promoter:
Homorod Commune
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 146,476
The project is carried out in:


The municipality of Homorod is home to a high number of Roma children and youth at risk of poverty and social exclusion. More than 18% of the municipality's population is Roma. Today, poverty prevents Roma children from having equal access to education. Being located at the periphery of the municipality, the Roma have reduced access to community resources and services and many are facing extreme poverty. The project aims to improve the situation of 60 Roma children, involving them in educational activities. Also, the project is seeking to raise awareness among parents regarding the need to become more actively involved in their children’s education. 60 Roma children, 35 Roma parents (of the beneficiary children) and 15 specialists in the area of education, social inclusion, culture and community development will be involved in the projects activities.

Summary of project results

In Homorod Commune, Brasov County, the Roma families have numerous members and a poor economic status, that does not allow them to take a proper care of the children. There was a high rate of school abandonment (over 11%), 23 children having abandoned school, while other 40 being at risk of school abandonment. Parents themselves have a poor educational level, with a high incidence of functional illiteracy and a low confidence in the capacity of the school, as an institution, to help their children have a better future, reason for which they did not support school participation and performance, rather preferring to keep children as aides with the household activities. Discrimination instances at community level were still encountered, generating problems in access to basic services and social integration. The project aimed to improve the situation of children from Homorod Commune, by achieving a higher psycho-moral, intellectual and physical development, and to increase the awareness of parents regarding the importance of their involvement in children’s education. A day centre was established and properly equipped, along with a sport hall. A total of 75 Roma children, aged 07-15 years old, in primary and lower secondary school, have participated in integrated activities of formal and non-formal education, such as support to school education, development of other competences (ITC), self awareness and development, civic education, education on ecology, equal opportunities, tolerance, child’s rights, education for health, creative handicraft workshops, classes of Roma art, tradition and dances, classical dances, participation in excursions and school contests. Children have benefitted from lunch at the center. Also, a total of 35 Roma parents have participated in information and raising awareness activities on children education, attending a support group of proactive parents, in which they discussed on the impact that education has on child development, while 10 of these parents have been trained as peer-educators having as mission to promote family cohesion in community. A total of 15 specialists have gained specific knowledge in working with the Roma community, while partnerships with 5 neighbouring schools have been concluded, with the aim to develop common activities for promotion of multi-ethnical cultural values. The project contributed to an increased psycho-moral, intellectual and physical development of children and an increased awareness of parents regarding the importance of their involvement in children’s education.

Summary of bilateral results