In the Romanian municipality Baia de Fier, a large proportion of the population is young people and children at risk. Of the 3,000 inhabitants, 480 people have Roma origin and are living in Rudarie community. Due to the location in the community and the large distance to the center of the Baia de Fier, community members are socially and economically excluded. For their own subsistence, children and young people began to participate in various activities to gain revenue, which led to reduced school attendance,increased the dropouts,and illiteracy. The main objective of the project is creation of a community center for conducting socio-educational activities. The project aims to create equal opportunities for children, youth and parents from Roma community, to improve school performance of 70 schoolchildren through the activities in the center, increasing the chances of finding a local job for 20 young people and offering support for at least 50 parents.
Summary of project results
In Baia de Fier commune, there is a Roma community (Rudarie) of about 517 inhabitants (228 adults and 289 children under 18 years old) geographically isolated. The low access to community resources for Roma community resulted in difficulties in attending school for children and finding jobs for youth and adults. Children had to work to bring an income in the family, so the school dropout and absenteeism were increased. Lack or low incomes led to social degradation of poor families, decreased self-esteem, anti-social behavior and social exclusion. The project aimed at creating equal opportunities for children, youth and parents living in Rudarie community from Baia de Fier by increasing their access to education and to the labor market. A community center was created and adequately equipped. The center provided non-discriminatory access to social and educational services, access to cultural and leisure activities for 70 Roma students in primary classes I-IV and for 40 students classes V-VIII (out of which 32 Roma); 20 young people benefited from a training course in livestock; 54 parents (of which 30 Roma parents) have been informed and counselled on the importance of education. The project managed to gain the interest of Roma community for education contributing to participation in school for Roma students, improving knowledge and skills to access labor market for youth, raising awareness on the importance of education among parents from Baia de Fier commune. Also the project encouraged the participation of Roma girls and women to benefit from specialized services. 32% of the inhabitants benefited directly from the services provided within the project.
Summary of bilateral results