The project is focused on improving the situation of children at risk from Giulesti neighborhood, District 6 of Bucharest. Their vulnerability is generated simultaneously by poverty, parents' lack of education and geographical isolation. At district level, the schools located in Giulesti are in the top of dropout cases (primary and secondary levels). The main objective of the project is improving participation in the education system for children at risk of social and economic exclusion from Giulesti. The main target group is represented by 200 children (125 Roma). The project envisages improving school performance and maintenance of formal schooling for 160 children at risk. Also, it aims to increase the capacity of families of children at risk to prevent dropout and to contribute to the social inclusion of their children (150 parents of children from the target group). In addition, for the community’s future needs of inclusion, 120 social workers, teachers, and volunteers will be trained.
Summary of project results
The need for the project in the Giulesti- Sarbi neighbourhood (District 6 of Bucharest), came from the high rates of children that abandon school, the poverty and lack of education of parents, the low motivation and qualifications of teachers in this area situated on the outskirts of Bucharest. So, the aim of the project is to improve the participation in education of children at risk of social and economic exclusion in this area. The main results of the project: 219 children have been directly involved in non-formal education activities, and received support in improving their life skills, and school grades, in order to prevent them from abandoning school; 181 parents got involved in supporting their children participation in education; 150 staff working with disadvantaged children in District 6, attended a training programme on non-formal education. As by the project plan, 170 children improved their school grades, acquired useful life skills, connected with a network of professionals capable of providing social and educational inclusion resources, built meaningful relationships with adults willing to support them, worked and carried out leisure activities together with other children in a supportive environment. Parents and teachers testify that, compared with the situation prior to project implementation, significant progress can be observed in the children participating in the project - in their behaviour, and also in their educational achievements.
Summary of bilateral results