The Roma community in the municipality of Calvini is facing a number of challenges. Poverty, unemployment and the lack of education is pushing them to the margins of society, unable to integrate. The project is aiming at improving access and participation in pre-school education for 20 children. Moreover, the project envisages to increase school performance among 80 Roma children. In addition, activities will contribute to reducing the extent of juvenile delinquency among 100 youths. The project will increase access to services with a view to prevent victimisation through legal and psychological counseling programmes. The project also aims at building the capacity of 18 specialists. Activities will be implemented in a day care centre in which the water supply system will be included in the framework of the project. The project’s main targets are 100 Roma children (20 pre-school aged, 40 children in pre-school education and 40 children in gymnasium) as well as 100 youths.
Summary of project results
The Roma community from Bascenii de Jos, Calvini commune (Buzau County), was facing various challenges resulting in social marginalisation. Parents migrating abroad, in search for better economic opportunities, took children with them, causing school abandonment. Other children remained in the care of the extended family, who were not interested to support their school participation and performance. As a consequence, the school results were very low while many children of pre-school age were not registered in school. Timely registration in school is crucial, as later integration either never takes place, or children are disadvantaged because of a higher age than their classmates. Poor material conditions, lack of jobs at local level and an unfavourable family environment resulted in young people aged 16-29 to step into delinquency or become victims of it. The project aimed to increase the access and participation in school of children from Bascenii de Jos, to reduce the incidence of juvenile delinquency and to promote an improvement in inter-ethnic relations at community level. A day centre was built and properly equipped. A total of 100 Roma children of pre-school, primary and lower secondary school age gained increased access and participation in education, improvement of school presence and performance, benefitting from remedial education activities, preparation for inter-school contests, social counselling, vocational counselling, excursions and other cultural and leisure activities. A total of 110 Roma young people received legal and psychological counselling, participating in sport and cultural activities (community fair with objects produced by Roma craftsmen). A total of 90 Roma parents achieved a higher level of awareness regarding the importance of participation in education of children and young people, by receiving individual and group counselling. 18 specialists have been involved in providing services to children, youth and parents, while 25 representatives of local institutions, have participated in drafting a community monograph, that contributed to better understanding of the community history. The project contributed to increasing the school enrolment and attendance of children from Bascenii de Jos, fought against the involvement of young people in delinquency activities, increased the awarenes of parents on the importance of education and contributed to the improvement of inter-ethnic relations at local level.
Summary of bilateral results