Because of poverty, lack of information, family support and social exclusion, youth from Suceava and Bistratita-Nasaud counties often find themselves in vulnerable situations. The main objective of the project is to improve the situation of 400 young people at risk (out of which, 160 Roma) from Suceava and Bistrita-Nasaud Counties, by opening four multifunctional centres for social inclusion that will host services including evaluation of skills and abilities, professional training, vocational counselling and mediation on the labour market. In addition, the activities include 10 formal trainings (ITC and English lessons and music classes) and 7 traditional art workshops. 400 young people at risk (main target group), and 800 parents/relatives of the youth from the target group will benefit from the activities under the project. Also, 45 professionals will be trained to provide support for the social inclusion of the target group.
Summary of project results
The project was based on the needs identified by the project partners in their area of action, counties of Suceava and Bistrița Năsăud. Young people at risk face multiple challenges, depending on their vulnerable position: young people with disabilities, coming out of the state residential system, at risk of school abandonment, coming from families with numerous members or victims of abuse, young mothers, ex-convicts etc. In Suceava County, every year, approx 800 children abandon school, especially in rural areas or in small towns. As the schools of trades have ceased to exist, young people have even fewer training opportunities and job prospects. Specialists and teachers do not have competences from the vocational guidance area, to keep up with young people’s needs. The project aimed to improve the situation of youth at risk from Suceava and Bistrița Năsăud counties, by setting up a system of integrated support measures. 4 multifunctional centres have been set up, by rehabilitating and equipping 4 locations in Șcheia, Dolhasca (Suceava County), Bistrița, Lechința (Bistrița Năsăud). 13 specialists working in these centres, out of which 5 Roma, have been trained in using innovative working methods with youth at risk (local expert in roma issues, personal development counsellor, vocational counsellor etc), including by the “digital storytelling method”, for which the Norwegian partner Jazzmontør AS has provided a transfer of expertise and study visit. In the framework of the 4 multifunctional centres, a number of 409 youth at risk, out of which 56 Roma, have benefited from integrated support services, on various components: vocational counselling and guidance; non-formal training (creative, handcraft workshops – weaving, leather work, knitting etc); vocational training courses to acquire entrepreneurship, communication in English language, ITC competences, courses for occupations as driver, manicurist, worker in agro-touristic units, mechanic etc. 145 parents, out of which 24 Roma, have participated in non-formal training workshops, including by digital storytelling method. In parallel with the provision of support services, an information and awareness campaign on social inclusion of youth at risk has been carried out, which included regional and local seminars, newsletters, dissemination of information materials. The project contributed to improving the situation of youth at risk from Suceava and Bistrița Năsăud counties, improving their skills for the integration on the labour market.
Summary of bilateral results
Jazzmontør AS, the Norwegian partner, has carried out a transfer of expertize to the Romanian partners regarding the "digital storytelling", an innovative working methodology with youth at risk. Jazzmontør AS has trained and provided assistance to staff of Romanian partners in order to learn working and using this methodology in relation with the young people beneficiaries of the 4 multifunctional centres. Also, Jazzmontør AS has hosted a study visit of Romanian partners and beneficiaries, in Norway.