A chance for Roma children in Sipote

Project facts

Project promoter:
Blagesti Commune
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 100,971
The project is carried out in:


Poverty, lack of jobs, alcohol abuse and domestic violence are problems facing the inhabitants of Sipote Village in Blagesti Commune. The village includes a compact Roma community (120 people declared and 100 households). Sipote is lacking social, health and educational services, so children are at risk of school dropouts and, in the long term, to poverty. The project aims to contribute to improving the living conditions and school attendance of 120 children, coming from disadvantaged families (over 80% of them are Roma), by creating a day center ”school after school” which will host educational and social services and primary healthcare assistance.Other envisaged indicators are: 100 parents/family members and 6 specialists will benefit from the project's activities by improving their skills and knowledge in working with children at risk.The project also includes a community intervention through the creation a network of professionals from local and county social services.

Summary of project results

The Roma community from Buda village, Blăgești commune (Bacău County), represents officially 11,85% of the population of the commune (in reality, much higher). In Sipote neighbourhood, at the beginning of the project, there were 100 Roma households, consisting of approx 400 persons. There was a high incidence of family violence, alcohol consumption, lack of jobs, resulting in disbanded families, high risk of school abandonment for children, precarious hygiene and material conditions, including lack of clothing and resources to keep children in school. The project aimed to contribute to reducing the inequalities in the Blăgești Commune and promote social inclusion of the Roma community from Sipote neighbourhood. In the framework of the day centre that was equipped by the project or of the community programme delivered by the project a total of 120 children, out of which 100 Roma children, benefitted from support measures to improve school presence and schoold performance by participation in educational activities (after school activities, including by setting up a computer classes room), psychological counselling and personal development, sanitary mediation, leisure and socialization activities (creative workshops, excursions) and receiving material assistance – daily meal at the centre, clothing and school supplies. A total of 100 Roma parents have benefitted from parental education, attending information sessions on child rearing. The parents have also benefitted from social counselling, orientation and support for social-vocational integration, sanitary mediation (registration with the family doctor, information sessions). A total of 7 specialists, employed in the centre, out of which 1 Roma, have acquired specific skills in working with the Roma community. The project contributed to increasing the school attendance and performance of children from Sipote neighbourhood, at the same time supporting the social inclusion of the Roma families.

Summary of bilateral results