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Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Charitable Aid AMURT
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 39,144
The project is carried out in:
Bucureşti - Ilfov


Aim of this project is to reduce poverty among 300 Roma and non-Roma disadvantaged persons from 4 rural communities by facilitating the practice of the democratic citizenship, multiculture dialogue and increasing the employment opportunities on a local inclusive market, during 19 months. The objectives sustain this aim because the focus is on developing abilities of active participation among minimum 240 Roma and non-Roma people; increasing tolerance and multicultural dialogue among 160 children/youth through educational campaigns, promotional events regarding cultural identity; encouraging jobs creation in order to strengthen social cohesion and to ensure a sustainable development for the community. The project partners, that have relevant expertise in working with disadvantaged Roma groups, are actively involved in promoting human rights, entrepreneurship, fundraising and transferring the know-how of the best practices for local development and inclusion.

Summary of project results

The aim of this project was to reduce poverty among the Roma and non-Roma disadvantaged persons from 4 rural communities in Ilfov County, by facilitating the practice of democratic citizenship, multicultural dialogue and increasing the employment opportunities on a local inclusive market. The focus was on developing abilities of active participation among at least 240 Roma and non-Roma people and increasing tolerance and multicultural dialogue among 160 children/youth through educational campaigns and promotional events regarding cultural identity. At the same time, the project developed actions for encouraging job creation in order to strengthen social cohesion and to ensure a sustainable development for the community. The project partners, who have relevant expertise in working with disadvantaged Roma groups, were actively involved in promoting human rights, entrepreneurship, fundraising and transferring the know-how of the best practices for local development and inclusion. The project’s actions were designed in order to stimulate the pride and awareness regarding the Roma culture. At the beginning of the project, some of the Roma persons weren’t willing to identify themselves as Roma, even during the door to door interviews. Thus, the events organized within the project helped them so gain pride and a feeling of belonging, determining a great change in their attitudes: - The Open Door event: a photo gallery of important people in Roma history. During this event, a 2 meter painting that shows important moments of Roma history was displayed, as well as drawings on antidiscrimination made by children. - The Peaceful March for celebrating Roma’s International Day - April 8, 2016. The main result of the project was the collaboration between the community members, so that their needs, competences and also resources are much clearer now, and the organization has a solid base to develop new interventions.

Summary of bilateral results