Transparency and Quality in the Public Administration Through Social Media

Project facts

Project promoter:
Assistance and Programmes for Sustainable Development - Agenda 21
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 65,398
The project is carried out in:


The project Transparency and Quality in the Public Administration through Social Media is impemented by the association APSD – Agenda 21 in partnership with the National Agency of Civil Servants. The project supports the modernization of the public administration and the strengthening of good governance in Romania, by involving civil society in this process. The general objective is to increase the role of civil society in promoting the principles of good government and of citizens' participation in the process of elaboration policies at local level. The expected results refer to the promotion of active citizenship, to the increase of NGOs advocacy and watchdog role, to develop partnerships with public institutions, to promoting the No Hate Speech campaign. The solution proposed refers to using the social media networks in the public administration as tools meant to ensure the transparency of the public institutions, the increase of the citizens’ level of information and involvement in the decision processes and the higher quality of the services.

Summary of project results

The project proposed a partnership between civil society and local administration in order to promote governance and increase citizens’ participation. During the project social media networks were extended in public administration, as tools meant to ensure a bigger transparency of the public institutions, to increase the citizens’ level of information and participation and to ensure a greater quality of public services. This initiative also contributes to applying the EU and Romanian Government policies and strategies in the field of e-government, especially regarding usage of information technology in the public administration. The main objective was to increase the role of civil society in promoting good governance principles and citizens’ participation in the process of elaborating local policies. This was mainly achieved through creating / developing 40 social media channels that were used in 76 social media events that involved public administration, civil society and citizens. This was also succeeded with the help of 10 NGOs and 30 volunteers that worked together with 40 civils servants that are now capable of using and developing social media campaigns, thus increasing the transparency of their institution and increasing citizens’ participation in the local governance. The most important result of the project are the 40 social media channels created / developed for the interaction between civil servants, citizens and civil society. Publications realised in the project – research report, social media in public administration manual and good practices guide - are available and can be used by any interested party. The impact of the project is most importantly registered at the level of public authorities and citizens as beneficiaries of the public policies and services offered: the social media tools created are able to reunite politicians, public servants, citizens, civil society in a space where they can exchange ideas, they can communicate and build together the necessary frame for a good local governance. For the civil servants involved in the project the impact is registered at the level of their performances and skills gained that will help them in their future work. Citizens were stimulated and encouraged to give their opinion, which was taken into consideration. Civil society contributed to monitoring the level of performance and transparency of the public institutions, which is part of their advocacy and watchdog role.

Summary of bilateral results