Together for community change

Project facts

Project promoter:
PACT Foundation - Partnership for Community Action and Transformation
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 71,627
The project is carried out in:
Sud - Muntenia


The project implemented by the PACT with A.R.T. Fusion and 4 community organizations is meant to improve the level of active citizenship and ethnic solidarity of the Roma and non-Roma youth in ethnically diverse rural communities from the South of Romania. Our aim is to raise the capacity of the organizations and the local leaders to work with Roma and non-Roma youth using non-formal methods that stimulate the development of social trust and increase the level of public participation. 20 young people in each community will participate in weekly non-formal training sessions. The youth will work alongside the organizations to prepare the Community Intercultural Month. This concept will bring the problems of the Roma to the attention of the local authorities and the majority population, for the purpose of finding solutions to these problems in the local strategies, as well as to attract the Roma youth to participate regularly in community actions alongside the community organizations.

Summary of project results

The project idea emerged from meetings with community organizations that, despite attempts to attract youths in community projects, failed to motivate them. According to Cornelia Enache, president of the partner association in Găujani, "meetings that we organized with our group usually were attended by 2-3 youngsters, but they do not come, they get bored quickly”. The project implemented by PACT Foundation together with A.R.T. Fusion and 4 community organizations (“Traditions, Education, Culture” Association, Association “Together for the Future”, the Initiative Group from Valea Corbului and the Initiative Group form Facaeni) was meant to improve the level of active citizenship and ethnic solidarity of the Roma and non-Roma youth in rural communities from the south of Romania. The aim was to raise the capacity of organisations and local leaders to work with Roma and non-Roma youth using non-formal methods that stimulate the development of social trust and increase the level of public participation. Thus, 20 youngsters in each community (mostly Roma) participated in local training sessions on non-formal methods for public participation: „Theatre of the Oppressed”, „Living Library”, „World Cafe” etc. Following these trainings, the youth worked together with the community organisations to prepare the Community Intercultural Month. The concept brought together almost 1,000 participants from all 4 communities and brought to the attention of local authorities and the majority non-Roma population the problems and needs faced by the Roma and the youth from rural areas. Based on the problems and needs that were identified during the events of the intercultural month and the sessions for prioritisation of the problems, each of all 4 local groups have filled a petition to their Local Councils, requesting 10 concrete measures to be adopted and budgeted by the local authorities in order to improve the life of people that are living in these communities. The main change that this project brought is the increased involvement in the community of vulnerable groups participating in the project (Roma young girls/women as well) and the increased self-confidence, because this project has created the context for them to ask and be heard.

Summary of bilateral results