The Assistance Center for Nongovernmental Organizations

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Assistance Center for Nongovernmental Organizations Foundation - CENTRAS
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 49,944
The project is carried out in:


The project „The Resource Center for Coalitions and Networks” aims to support to strengthen the internal capacity of at least 10 coalitions and networks, and to create a specific assistance service dedicated to their needs. The project is implemented by CENTRAS, jointly with PACT Foundation, The Funky Citizens Association, The Institute for Public Policy and Opportunity Associates Romania. At least 10 coalitions and networks will benefit from training, consultancy and accompaniment, and at least 5 coalitions and networks will be assisted in order to initiate and implement 5 advocacy initiatives. The activities of the project have been built as an integrated approach, which offers support for at least 10 coalitions and networks in becoming more effective, by: - strengthening the internal capacity (training, consultancy and accompaniment, according to the specific needs of the target group). - developing the advocacy and watchdog role (consultancy and accompaniment services in initiate and implement 5 advocacy initiatives). - increasing the NGO visibility (promoting the coalitions and networks role in society and the impact generated of the 5 advocacy initiatives).

Summary of project results

The project's goal was to strengthen the internal capacity of at least 10 coalitions and networks and to create a specific assistance service dedicated to their needs. The project was implemented by CENTRAS, jointly with PACT Foundation, The Funky Citizens Association, The Institute for Public Policy and Opportunity Associates Romania. 10 coalitions and networks were the beneficiaries of training, consultancy and coaching activities and 5 of them were further assisted to initiate and implement 5 advocacy initiatives. The activities of the project have been built as an integrated approach, which offered support for coalitions and networks in becoming more effective, by: strengthening the internal capacity (training, consultancy and accompaniment, according to the specific needs of the target group) and developing the advocacy and watchdog role. The 5 advocacy campaigns were successfully implemented: COPAC – “STOP vanishing vital drugs in Romania”, Social Services Coalition from Prahova - “No more taxes for the buildings used for social services!”; ROSES –“Give a chance to social enterprises!”, Sibiu Civic – “Do something!” and Caritas – “Sustainable social services”. For increasing the NGO visibility, an online show was launched for several months presenting to the public the story behind these campaigns. A new website was created and short videos promoting the coalitions in Romania are available on this website.

Summary of bilateral results