Strategic Development for the Protection of Child Rights

Project facts

Project promoter:
NGO’s Federation For Child - FONPC
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 147,104
The project is carried out in:


The project Strategic Development for the Protection of Child Rights, developed by the Federation of NGOs for Children in partnership with Partners Foundation for Local Development - FPDL is based on a real need to strengthen the organizational capacity of FONPC to provide support and assistance to its members. During the project, an organizational self-assessment tool will be developed as well as reviews of the general strategy and the actions plan of the FONPC. The project aims to increase organizational performance for at least 30 NGO’s working in child protection area through organizational assessments, training activities for at least 10 resource specialists, elaboration of strategical plans for each NGO and providing training programs focused on the identified needs of FONPC members. The results of this project will be reflected in enhanced performance and sustainability of services provided by NGOs member of FONPC as well as the more active involvement of the FONPC in developing advocacy activities to influence public policies regarding protection and promotion of children rights, in collaboration with public authorities, citizens and mass media.

Summary of project results

The "Strategic development for children's rights" project has contributed to improving the capacity for strategic planning and advocacy of Federation of NGOs for Children - FONPC and its members. The promoter developed self-assessment processes and an organisational diagnosis for 30 of the 78 NGO members of the Federation. Following the diagnosis exercise, member NGOs planned their development and actively contributed to the joint advocacy actions initiated by FONPC with the participation of over 440 professionals. A total of 39 professionals from 27 member organizations and FONPC staff were trained in organisational management and advocacy in two training programmes and acquired the skills to develop coherent proposals of public policies regarding the protection and promotion of children's rights. The Federation has developed mechanisms and participatory tools of evaluation/diagnosis, applicable to both federative structures and civil society organisations active in the field of child rights, it has strengthened communication with its member organizations and has developed joint activities with these and other organisations and networks with similar interests. FONPC was involved in the following actions aimed at supporting the non-governmental sector in the long term: it has initiated a series of debates on contracting social services; in collaboration with other coalitions, networks and organisations it has initiated a debate on the procedures on subsidizing social services and on the necessary changes in legislation and norms on granting subsidies; it has supported the development of a legislative framework and supporting procedures for social services on minors' hearing in Romania; it has contributed to redefining the service standards and cost standards for child protection services; it has contributed to the development of the strategies on child rights, people with disabilities and mental health strategies for adolescents.

Summary of bilateral results