In Racos village are two major problems: non-schooling children in the Roma community and schooldropout and misunderstandings between the Hungarian and Roma communities .Objectives : Cooperation between Hungarian and Roma communities in order to develop a common Community action plan to help to solve the problems of the community, support for Association for Community Integration in order the development organization , providing specialized educational services to prevent abandonment and failure Roma from the village school for 100 pupils Racoş enrolled in secondary education . Results: An afterschool program started, 100 children beneficiaries, research conducted with 1,000 families, a local action plan made with the involvement of citizensfrom Racos Village (1000 families) , a Roma NGO community supported, fundraising activity for sustainability of After School Program for another school year. Project beneficiaries are citizens of Roma and Hungarian communities, local NGOs, the public and local media. From the project will benefit children from roma community and their families, local authority and the local NGO's and also entire community.
Summary of project results
The project was necessary because Racoş village from Brașov County is an area with frequent conflicts between members of Roma and Hungarian communities. Racoş community problems are related to dropout, high crime rate and discrimination. In terms of education there are no positive examples: in 2012, only eight students graduated the national exams but they failed to enter highschool. Consequently, the project aimed at: increasing the cooperation between Roma and Hungarian inhabitants in Racoș by developing an action plan which would help solve the problems they are facing in the community, supporting the development of the Roma local NGO, providing specialised educational services for 100 students in secondary education in order to prevent school drop out in the Roma community. Through a campaign of collecting data from the community members of Racoș, a research paper and Local Development Plan were elaborated and debated with the community and the public administration. The final version of the action plan was assumed both by the community members and the local authorities and further actions were taken. Including the Racoș Action Plan in the regional GAL (Local Action Group) was one of them. Another one was submitting a new proposal under the second round of calls of the NGO Fund in order to continue the undertaken actions. The local Roma partner, the Association for Community Integration Racoș, had an important role in mobilising the Roma community. A "School after school" programme was started for 100 Roma and Hungarian disadvantaged pupils and through the fundraising campaign were attracted funds in order to ensure the sustainability of the programme. Main achievements: 100 children beneficiaries of "School after school" programme improved their school situation, the Local Development Plan was assumed by the community and local authorities, the Roma local NGO was strengthened, a fundraising campaign ensured the funds for sustaining the after-school activities, a process of community development was started in Racoș.
Summary of bilateral results