Partnership for Interethnic Communities’ Development

Project facts

Project promoter:
Roma Center 'Amare Rromentza'
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty,
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 26,724
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed because, in these communities, the degree of funds’ absorption in reduced, there are not enough projects implemented according to local priorities and the citizens do not involve in the decision process. Objective: To make the absorption of European Funds and of other funds efficient for 3 mayoralties with mixt population – Rroma and Romanians (Barcea – Galaţi, Curcani and Gălbinaşi – Călăraşi), in 12 months. Expected outcomes: 3 local initiative/working groups; 3 local strategic plans; 3 projects submitted for funding; 3 partnership agreements. Overcoming challenges: Clear criteria for selecting members for local working groups, rigorousness in elaborating local action plans, cooperation with local public authorities and with communities’ representatives, professionalism in elaborating projects and monitoring. .

Summary of project results

The goal of the project was to empower the local multi-ethnic communities to become active, to speak for themselves and their own problems, to seek solutions and to participate to their implementation. During the project the Promoter managed to offer tools to the beneficiaries in order to develop their communities, to improve their lives and therefore to create active citizens. The project was implemented in three local communities Barcea – Galati County, Galbinasi – Calarasi County and Curcani – Calarasi County. Using community development methods, the promoter managed to facilitate the process of creating a Local Initiative Group at the level of each community. The Local Initiatives Groups included community representatives and public local authority representatives. The initiative groups aimed at identifying the problems and needs, prioritizing them, becoming active in asking questions, seeking solutions and involving community members in solving the problems. Each of the three Local Initiative Groups elaborated an action plan, with problems and possible solutions. This tool helped them to develop a future project and also to exercise their ability of getting involved in the community life. A training in writing project proposals and in project management, as well as technical assistance of project writing were offered to each of the Initiative Groups. As a result, 3 projects for EU funds were written and submitted, waiting to be assessed.

Summary of bilateral results