Open Doors - Access to Innovative Social Services for Institutionalised Elders

Project facts

Project promoter:
Fluens Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Elderly people,
People with mental health problems
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 63,893
The project is carried out in:


The project "Open Doors" is developed by Fluens Association in partnership with General Direction of Social Assistance (DGASPC sector 1) and with Norway Moreno Institute. In Romania over 10000 elders are institutionalized, having a precarious socio-economical situation. Social protection for old people is a real challenge in our country and it is necessary to improve social services for institutionalized elders and also to introduce innovative services in order to prevent their isolation, system dependence, passivity and alienation. The project aims to increase the access to innovative social services for 200 institutionalized elders from 6 State Centers of caring and assistance. The project focuses on revival of Reminiscence rooms within the 6 centers and providing social service successfully applied in different European countries. In the centers will be provided psychotherapy services using Reminiscent techniques; the Norwegian partner provides expertise in this area.

Summary of project results

Social protection for old people is a real challenge in Romania. Also, it is necessary to improve social services for institutionalised elders, as well as to introduce innovative services in order to prevent their isolation, dependence on the system, passivity and alienation. The project succeeded to increase access to innovative quality social services for 200 institutionalised elders at high risk of social exclusion from 6 state residential centres. The project focused on revival of “reminiscence rooms” within the 6 centres and providing social services based on experience of other countries: psychotherapy using reminiscence techniques; individual counselling; socialisation; access to medical services; an innovative approach for acquiring the skills to use communication technologies (phones, tablets, laptops). The main activities and results of the project are: over 400 therapy groups for elders; 600 individual psychological counselling sessions; at least 50 elders reported memory and psychological improvement; over 90 socialisation activities and events, including “The Seniors Prom”; at least 100 volunteers involved in project activities, out of which 11 psychologists; 65 ophthalmological consultations, 20 dental consultations and 9 tests for osteoporosis; 75 workshops for developing technical skills to use mobile phones and computers. Another target group comprised of staff involved in care services for elders (care givers, medical staff, social workers etc.), who benefited of formative workshops. The partner - Moreno Institute from Norway - assured good practices transfer in psychodrama work by organising 2 workshops attended by specialists. They gained new competencies useful in working with institutionalised elders. The “Guide of working in reminiscence rooms” was produced and distributed to public institutions and NGOs. The project made important changes in the life of the persons participating to reminiscence groups and the methodology developed could be an important alternative for the medical treatment of elders with dementia. Activities with elders will continue beyond the project with the strong support of the volunteers and the community.

Summary of bilateral results

The bilateral partnership was an important component of the project. Norway Moreno Institute is one of the most prestigious training institutes from Europe in the area of psychodrama and psychotherapy. The Institute provided training in psychodrama methods, a variety of therapeutic techniques which were integrated in the methodology developed in the chambers of reminiscence opened in the project. The main role of the Norwegian partner was to transfer its experience towards Romanian specialists working in the field of psychotherapy, who can use new techniques in the activities with elders suffering of memory disorders. The first formative workshop (august 2015) was attended by 45 specialists in psychology, psychotherapy and social assistance. Its theme was "Psychodrama methods in working with institutionalised elderly people with memory disorders". Experts have gained new information, knowledge and skills and during the workshop new possible directions of joint action between the Norwegian and Romanian partner were discussed. The second workshop was organised in February 2016 and was attended by 30 specialists. Workshop's theme was "The Box of Pandora - challenges in elderly dementia therapy ". All the conclusions of the workshops were integrated in the methodology applied in reminiscence rooms and also in the “Guide of working in reminiscence rooms”. The collaboration with Moreno Institute brought a high level of expertise in the psychotherapy area and also a new vision of work for specialists involved in the care and assistance of institutionalised elders.