M...from Morpheus. Social services for people with a history of drug use

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
People with addictions (drug, alcohol, other),
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 47,477
The project is carried out in:


National Report on drugs in 2013 (conducted by NAA) (data refer to 2012) show that the estimated number of problem drug users in Bucharest (aged between 18 and 49 years) is about 10583. The project aims to support the social reintegration of persons with a history of drug use, which are in a form of treatment. OBJECTIVES: O1. To develop and make operational a day center providing social, psychological and educational services for people with a history of drug use. O2. To increase awareness on drug issues and to promote a healthy lifestyle, the principles of non-discrimination and non-labeling, for a total of 1,000 children and 100 teachers from five schools and five high schools in a period of 1 year; O3. To improve psychological and emotional skills necessary to recover and maintain personal, social and occupational functions for a number of 60 people in a period of 1 year. Target: 60 drug users and their families, 1000 students and 100 teachers. The project proposes the development of a national health system component addressed to drug users in Romania.

Summary of project results

The National Report on Drugs (2013), conducted by the National Anti-Drug Agency, shows that the estimated number of problematic drugs users in Bucharest (aged between 18 and 49 years) is about 10,583 (55% are problematic users of heroin, 43.6% users of new psychoactive substances and 1.3% users of amphetamines and cocaine). In terms of age, 74.7% have started consumption before the age of 24, as follows: 39% started between 15 and 19, 25% between 20 and 24 and 10.7% under 15 years. Despite this reality, schools, where the prevention activities should be targeted, do not have a specialised programme to inform, prevent and combat the drug consumption among students. Also, a day care support system is not available for persons in rehabilitation process, which makes very difficult, if not impossible, their social reintegration. In this context, a Day Center was run by the promoter in cooperation with the National Anti-Drug Agency. A number of 62 drug users have benefited from the following types of services: psychological individual and group counselling, social and legal counselling, educational activities, sports and leisure, music therapy. Innovative drug abuse prevention activities, and also activities tackling discrimination of drug users, were carried out in 10 schools, based on nonformal education methods (role playing, drumming, and storytelling by a former drug abuser). Over 1,200 children and 100 teachers participated to these sessions. Information materials on prevention of drug abuse (leaflets, posters) were distributed in the targeted schools. The activity was developed with the support of 14 volunteers recruited and trained within the project. A guide presenting the context of the project, its objectives, activities implemented and results achieved was drafted. It aims to serve as a good practice guide for those developing services in the field of drugs abuse prevention and intervention, such as NGOs and the National Anti-Drug Agency’s network of evaluation, prevention and anti-drug counselling centres.

Summary of bilateral results