Local Group of Initiative for the development of Giulesti Sarbi community

Project facts

Project promoter:
Romano ButiQ Association
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 65,238
The project is carried out in:


Throughout this project we wish to augment the opportunities for vulnerable groups from Giulesti Sarbi Hood in order for them to access educational, economical, social, and work related opportunities by facilitating their access to the empowerment mechanism of the local community, auto-organization and defining their our interests, but also accessing a series of guidance and training services which have as a theme the social inclusion, equitable and tolerance. We want to make changes at a higher level for controlling the social inequalities, identifying measures in order to control the baldness and social exclusion, leading to a much more legal environment socially speaking and taking essential decisions for obtaining social justice. The formation of a local action group and the foundation of a local initiative center in the community will help vulnerable groups from Giulesti Sarbi Hood.

Summary of project results

The project focused primarily on the need to support the vulnerable groups from Giulesti–Sarbi neighbourhood to have access to educational, economic and social opportunities, by facilitating their access to mechanisms for empowering the local community (community self-organising tools, defining their own interest etc.) and also to a range of services (including counselling and training regarding inclusion, equity and tolerance). Within the project, 25 informal potential leaders were identified. They formed a local initiative group and a Center for Local Initiatives for Giulesti was developed. The Local Initiative Group was legally recognised by the Municipality of District 6 of Bucharest. More than 300 people were involved in the process of identifying and resolving neighbourhood problems and 60 beneficiaries were trained in that matter. Other results of the project are: - Raised awareness for citizens and decision makers about social injustice and developing the solidarity of the community, through 2 Living Library events with 100 participants each. One of them tackled Access to information and resources and the other Right to diversity, dignity and social justice for women in Giulesti; - Organising the "Solidarity Pakivalo Festival" which brought together several partner organisations and institutions and several types of activities: Romanian traditional music, workshops for adults (legal advice, domestic violence, cooperation and solidarity on community issues etc.) and activities for children (theatre and painting workshops); A best practices report was developed with volunteer help. They collected community stories linked with the project throughout the project implementation, which highlight the problems faced by the isolated community in Bucharest.

Summary of bilateral results