In Romania there is a low visibility in public and in the decision-making processes of the problems that vulnerable groups have. Also there is a low capacity of the representing NGO to influence decisions on behalf of vulnerable groups such as: homeless people, drug users, people living in ghettos, sexual workers, etc. The project will increase the capacity to advocate and communicate for 4 organizations that work with vulnerable groups (individuals living in ghettos, drug users, homeless people, Roma women from rural areas) and will promote 4 problems of social justice nature. The 4 organizations will have abilities and know-how in advocacy and empowerment tools, will run 4 advocacy campaigns, better representation in the decision-making processes, and solutions to the identified problems. The partner will increase the abilities of the vulnerable groups to tell their stories through Storytelling and will provide expertise for making social justice causes more visible at a public level.
Summary of project results
The project “Keep up with social justice", implemented by Resource Centre for Public Participation in partnership with Media DoR Association, targeted the poor representation of vulnerable groups in society or in the decision-making processes and also the low capacity of their representing NGOs to influence public decisions. 4 organizations working with disadvantaged groups (people living in the ghettos, drug addicts, homeless, Roma women from rural areas) were selected and a brief advocacy agenda for each organisation with long-term subjects of interest in advocacy for social justice was developed. A series of training activities increased the advocacy and communication capacity of the 4 organisations. The four campaigns aimed at contributing to the public decision-making in order to improve the system and decrease the social injustice faced by these groups of citizens. Low participation of Roma women in the decision-making process, poor access to education for children living in disadvantaged communities, inefficient to nonexistent public policies on social housing, lack of harm reduction services related with the use of drugs are some of the issues tackled by the 4 organisations in their advocacy campaigns. With over 40 advocacy actions that included more than 550 people from the vulnerable communities and 252,684 people informed, the 4 beneficiary organizations and the vulnerable groups they serve became better represented in the decision-making process. CeRe worked closely with the organisations and ensured the smooth running of the campaigns. The project led to the empowerment of the 4 organisations working with vulnerable groups and to putting on the public agenda 4 causes of social justice, raising public awareness about the problems faced by vulnerable groups served by the project. The project has also led to project promoter’s empowerment by gaining new knowledge on social justice and planning future activities aimed at advocating for the rights of vulnerable people.
Summary of bilateral results