The project aims to provide easy access to education for blind people, by creating a supporting network that consists of 5 high schools for the visually-impaired and 5 universities. In this network we will launch a new social service – a national make-information-accessible center which is going to make accessible handbooks and university courses, all materials will be distributed for free through a virtual library. Beneficiaries: 500 pupils and their teachers from 5 high schools, 40 students, 30 blind employed. This new social service meets some basic needs of the visually-impaired: access to specialized information in order to benefit from a high quality education. Graduating a post-secondary form of education increases the chances to find a workplace. Results: increasing the capacity to deliver the social services to the target group; increasing the capacity of the vulnerable groups (planning, attending and evaluating the activities), developing an inter-sectorial partnership.
Summary of project results
The project addressed the need of persons with visual impairments to have independent access to information and educational materials, thus sustaining access to better education and consequently better job accomplishments, cultural and social participation. The project aimed to facilitate access to education for persons with visual impairments, by creating a support network made together with five high schools for the visual impaired and 5 universities. A national centre for making information accessible was set and school textbooks and university courses where created and distributed free of charge to pupils and students attending classes in all partner institutions. 75 textbooks and 236 specialized books and university courses were made accessible. 467 students benefited of the accessible manuals, courses and university textbooks. 18 adults, visually impaired teachers, employees used the accessible manuals in teaching. An Electronic Library was designed and loaded to allow visually impaired students to download the books - The Promoter conducted a strategic planning process concluded with a Strategic Plan for 2016 -2020.
Summary of bilateral results