Most Roma survivors of deportations to Transnistria during the Second World War are extremely vulnerable and unaware of their rights (especially the benefits they are entitled to according to the Law 189/2000). In addition, the discrimination against Roma minority is a common phenomenon in Romania. In the framework of the project, 100 Roma survivors of deportation to Transnistria are provided with specialized assistance to exercise their rights and an audio/video archive with their testimonies is created and used for educational goals (raising awareness on Roma sufferings during deportation and promoting tolerance towards Roma people). The beneficiaries of the project are Roma survivors of deportations (direct beneficiaries) and communities where the project is implemented (through increased awareness on Roma issues). The project promoter, along with its partners, work together to identify Roma survivors, establish a database and provide them with specialized assistance, create and audio/video archive and a website, and disseminate the information to all the stakeholders.
Summary of project results
Most Roma Holocaust survivors live in poverty, unaware of the rights they are entitled to according to the Law 189/2000 and to German Ghettorentengesetz. Besides, the anti-Gypsy attitudes are a common phenomenon. Community Resource Center's objectives were to address these problems by offering assistance to 100 survivors for receiving their rights and by creating an audio/video archive with their testimonials to be used for educational goals (raising awareness about Roma sufferings during deportations and thus promoting tolerance towards Roma on the whole). The project team helped 200 Roma survivors apply for their rights, many of them getting them. In May 2015, the first two Roma survivors got German pensions with a total amount of 35,000 Euro. By the end of the year it was estimated that at least 60 more Roma will have got them. Hundreds of hours of interviews were registered - they will be used later for educational goals (after fundraising the necessary amount for transcriptions). Furthermore, the Promoter started working on a documentary meant to show the problems the Roma survivors face nowadays. CRC helped the survivors directly or with the help of their families and central/local Roma NGOs and institutions (National Agency for Roma, Roma Party etc.) while encouraging Roma organizations to “adopt” certain Roma survivors they promised to help. The website hosts the necessary forms and instructions both in Romanian & English and it was accessed not only from Romania, but from various other countries. People from Moldova, Ukraine, USA, Czech Republic contacted the Promoter directly for further information. CRC team managed to create a network of Roma NGOs and representatives from different communities interested in solving this issue.
Summary of bilateral results