In the two localities there are big disparities between the Roma ethnics and the majority group in terms of their participation in consultation and decision making process. There are inequalities disfavoring the Roma group: parents are not part of the schools’ consultative structures, have lower education level, Roma pupils have lower results and drop out of school before turning 16, the absenteeism rate and school drop-out of Roma are higher. The project aims to activate the participation in intercultural communities with an innovative approach, focusing on the main beneficiaries - Roma children and parents, aiming a balanced participation of the 4 ethnic groups in the localities. By organizing workshops for teachers and parents, the project involves the community in identifying and implementing solutions for combating the education inequalities, mechanisms to eliminate discriminatory attitudes towards Roma children/parents, promote multiculturalism and participation of Roma parents in consultation. Furthermore, members of the interethnic communities are involved in concrete actions for improving the attendance and scholar results of Roma pupils
Summary of project results
The project aimed to remove discrepancies in the education of Roma children, comparing to the non-Roma children, through active involvement of all local decision makers and members of the ethnic communities. Removing these discrepancies was possible through integrated educational programmes for children and their parents and through actions engaging citizens in influencing local public policies in order to combat inequalities in all aspects, especially in the educational areas. This project wanted to find ways to engage the interethnic community members identified in the villages of Luncsoara and Borod (Romanian, Roma, Slovakians and Hungarians), in an innovative manner. The community members were invited to identify the issues that prevent them from equal access to education, to prioritize these issues, to identify solutions and resourceful people within the community, who can present and support the identified measures and solutions in front of the local authorities. All the implemented actions (Summer kindergarten, Afterschool Program, Parents` School, Your Story program), and the social life skills training, the promotion events, the community motivational events, the workshops, the debates and the consultation meetings have brought significant results within the project. 40 children have benefited from the Summer Kindergarten program, 41 children benefited from the Afterschool program, 426 have benefited from the training program and social life skills improvement, 204 parents benefited from the Parents School program, 40 parents benefited from Your Story program, and 55 teachers have been involved in different activities, 23 on them on a voluntary base. The most important result of the project was that it managed to bring together the community`s members, Roma and non-Roma, to equally contribute to their own community`s development.
Summary of bilateral results