Around 24% of women in Romania experience domestic violence during their lifetime. Unfortunately, Governmental measures are not giving good solutions to the problem. The project aims to strengthen the capacity and to increase the visibility of the network against violence against women, for improving the monitoring and advocacy activities at local and national level, having a duration of 14 months. The Project targets the participation of NGO sector to improve the knowledge of violence against women phenomenon in Romania. It will generate a consistent support for legislative measures and public policies emerging in the coming years in this area consequently to the fact that the Romanian Government has ratified the Istanbul Convention. The results will be as following: 3 NGOs joining the network, 145 citizens participating in activities, 7,250 persons benefiting from the public campaign, increased visibility and sustainability, update of the network strategy, improved transparency and good governance.
Summary of project results
Violence against women in Romania continues to be a huge phenomenon (1 in 4 women were physically or sexually aggressed by their partner – FRA, 2014), a problem that is not a priority for political decision makers in terms of changing the legislation in order to ensure safety and quality services for women victims. There is no emergency protection order envisaged in the legislation and in 14 counties there is no shelter for victims of domestic violence. The objective of the project was to consolidate the capacity and to raise the visibility of the network for preventing and combating violence against women in order to improve its monitoring and advocacy activities at the local and national level, so that the network could offer its expertise and experience in working with victims and aggressors to the authorities, which could also lead to improving the legislation. Activities aiming at network’s consolidation and growth were organised. Communication and consultation instruments were developed and assumed by the entire network. Advocacy activities at local and national level for introduction of the emergency protection order and development of services for victims of domestic violence were carried out. Also, transfer of good practices between network members, but also with a similar network from Bulgaria, was envisaged. Other activities were: monitoring of requests, issuing and implementing protection orders, increasing financial sustainability of the network, raising awareness activities at the local level through workshops with relevant actors for deconstructing racist and sexist prejudices against Roma and non-Roma victims, public actions for encouraging civic engagement of citizens and relevant actors for sanctioning violence against women. Another 11 NGOs became members of the network, reaching a total of 24 members at national level. 531 persons participated to the public activities of the network (flash mobs, debates, and the march “Together for women’s safety”). 3 local petitions for services for victims were launched and a national petition for emergency protection order. 14 public actions and local and national advocacy campaigns for changing the legislation and public policies took place during the project. 12,541 persons have been informed online and directly and 537 interactions between NGOs and public authorities took place.
Summary of bilateral results