Conservation of biodiversity in two Natura 2000 sites by involving local communities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Biounivers Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Young adults
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 125,770
The project is carried out in:


It is necessary to preserve habitats and species of flora and fauna, to ensure the sustainable development and improvement of the environment for present and future generations. The project addresses problems like overgrazing, amphibian habitat fragmentation, exploitation and inadequate transportation of wood, uncontrolled reproduction of plant species, restriction and degradation of nesting and feeding habitat, lack of environmental education, poor organizational capacity and reaction, low institutional capacity of custodian. The project aims to improve the conservation status of species of flora and fauna in 2 protected sites, facilitate access to practical experience of environmental education, raise awareness of residents, stakeholders and general public in Sibiu and Alba counties. As expected results 15 flora and fauna species will benefit from conservation measures, 100 children will be involved in environmental education activities and 2 partner groups will be created.

Summary of project results

Within the project "Conservation of biodiversity in two Natura 2000 sites involving local communities", Biounivers Association aimed at improving the conservation status of flora and fauna species in Natura 2000 protected areas. The project was needed due to several important reasons, like the fragmentation of the amphibian habitat, the uncontrolled reproduction of plant species, the restriction and degradation of nesting and feeding habitat, the lack of environmental education, poor organisational capacity or the low institutional capacity of the custodian. A pond was created in Miraslau Downy Oak Forest, in order to provide a proper reproduction habitat for three amphibian species. Project experts installed and monitored 77 artificial nests dedicated to four protected bird species. Wooden fences to protect important plant species were also installed. Within the environmental education activities, presentations about nature were held in schools and were attended by 202 students and 16 teachers. Also, field trips were organised for 198 students and 16 teachers. Due to additional requests to participate in project activities, two more schools were involved in the project. The Seica Mare (Sibiu County) and Miraslau (Alba County) mayors facilitated the organisation of two meetings at the end of the project, which were attended by 36 residents and stakeholders. Also, two websites were created ( and, with information about the project and about the activities of Biounivers Association. As a result of promoting several articles on Facebook, 188,878 users were informed about the project. An aerial video was produced in order to promote the areas covered by the project and local communities in the surrounding areas. Over 23,000 video views were registered on YouTube. Over 3,700 informative/promotional materials were distributed in the project area. For the proper management of the two protected areas, the experts of the association established two partner groups. Within the organisational development objective, the experience gained by 6 Biounivers members during 3 field study visits will help them develop the necessary skills to protect biodiversity.

Summary of bilateral results