The already existing threats faced by the various species and their habitat in the Lower Ciuc Basin Natura 2000 site are further aggravated by the lack of information and interest among local people. The project addresses these issues through putting into application the minimum measures for ensuring the protection of species and their habitat with the direct involvement of the local population and with putting into practice an effective management plan. The public will be informed about the benefits of using natural renewable resources and solar power while ranger patrols will be established and trained in order to ensure the compliance with internal rules of the protected area. This way, the knowledge and awareness of the locals concerning species and habitats will be increased, thus, creating favorable conditions for preservation of the species and their environment.
Summary of project results
Through the project, many threats and problems related to the conservation of the species and habitats of the Lower Ciuc Basin Natura 2000 site were addressed. The project promoted the importance of biodiversity conservation, advocating for decreasing the activities that are not compatible with sustainable development. The implemented activities contributed to achieving objectives such as developing capacity for proper managing the Natura 2000 site (by the establishment and training of a Rangers patrol for proper monitoring of the anthropic activities) or promoting the renewable energy sources and the benefits of this type of energy in local communities through practical examples (by the installation of light poles based on solar energy in each of the targeted communities). The most important results of the project include: ecological restoration of the oxbow of the Olt River; development of 2 interpretation trails in order to promote the natural values of the Natura 2000 site; improvement of the information and understanding level of the natural values by the youngsters from the 5 Junior Ranger Clubs in the targeted local communities. Due to the implementation of the project, changes on different levels can be observed. Regarding education, the awareness level of the local communities on issues such as the importance of the natural values and the benefits of using renewable energy sources was raised, through the direct involvement of the beneficiaries (members of the Junior Ranger Clubs) in the species' and habitats' monitoring carried out in the Natura 2000 site. On the conservation (watchdog) level, through the presence of Rangers patrols (composed by members of the Junior Ranger Clubs and experts) which were monitoring the species and habitats and the partnership with the law-enforcement authority, the number of the illegal activities on the Natura 2000 site decreased. More than that, on the ecotourism level, the interpretation trails developed during the project have an important role in the long term development of the area.
Summary of bilateral results