Ambulatory Support and Counselling Services

Project facts

Project promoter:
' Good Afternoon, Children from Romania' Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 70,233
The project is carried out in:


In Romania, children in rural areas do not have access to social and primary services; their development problems are not identified in early stages, which may seriously impact their quality of life, reduce their access to education, and impair their social integration and participation to community life as a child and later as an adult. The project aims to reach the 120 children from 3 rural communities (10% Roma ethnic) who have slight development delays/ with a lower cognitive development of communication and social skills that have not been identified and evaluated yet, and whose parents are not aware of the state of their health. Through the project, a mobile support service will be developed to provide children with development delays and their families with social services and parenting courses; support networks in the community will be created; an early education program - The Mobile Summer Kindergarten – will be implemented. Activities with children, parents and community members will tackle discrimination of Roma and disabled children.

Summary of project results

Over 25% of Romanian children live in poverty (UNICEF, 2012). The North-Eastern Region of Romania, Vaslui County, is the poorest EU region (Eurostat regional yearbook 2013). The actual social benefits system is not able to protect children in the absence of specialists and specialised social services in rural areas. To address these issues, the project was implemented in partnership with the town halls, schools and kindergartens from 3 rural communities in Vaslui County. An early education programme was implemented for 125 children aged 3-7 (evaluation, speech therapy, socializing activities, cognitive stimulation, play therapy, Summer Kindergarten, creative workshops, The magical day of stories). The material base was enhanced for 3 kindergartens, to ensure the continuation of activities. Parental counselling and the Parents' School was organised for 121 parents and 6 teachers aiming to guide/empower parents and develop parental abilities. The promoter accompanied families to access some medical/social services needed by children and supported them to improve their relationship skills, to express their needs and to exert their parental rights and duties. At community level, the promoter activated the Community Advisory Councils from the three rural areas and participated in meetings to convince them about the importance and the necessity of their involvement in solving the problems faced by families with children exposed to risks. A regional seminar “Outpatient Services for children at risk in rural areas - benefits, limits, perspectives” and a round table discussion “The importance of intervention and early education for a good life start” were organized to share work experience, to build collaborative relationships, to learn about other service providers for children and families from rural areas and to raise awareness on the situation of children living in rural areas. The project increased the access of children and parents to basic services, improved the attendance of 125 children to kindergarten classes, increased parents' trust in educating their children and assuming their role as parents, improved their soft abilities (appreciation, encouragement, simulating the child and negotiating), mobilised stakeholders in finding solutions for support services for disadvantaged families and children. Following a strategic planning process, the promoter also developed organisation's strategic plan for 2016-2018.

Summary of bilateral results