Restoration strategies of broken peat charcoal ecosystems from Romanina (PeatRo)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute of Biology Bucharest
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Public and private organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and NGOs, responsible for the organization and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 737,253
The project is carried out in:


Currently most peat-lands in Romania are included in the European network of protected areas Natura 2000. This was made mainly on the basis of studies and estimates published in 1960 by Emil Pop. Later, studies of peat-lands in Romania were few and scattered across the country and not cover any issues of rehabilitation, restoration and preservation of in all its complexity. The objective of the project is to develop national strategies for halting the loss of biodiversity from degraded peat-lands in Romania. The outcome of the project is strength capacity of the environmental authorities to halt the loss of biodiversity from degraded peat bog in Romania. The project main outputs will be the developing a National Programme for Peat-land Restoration which will include national strategies developed for short (5 years), medium (10 years) and long term (20 years). The project main target group is the central authority for environmental protection and the local environmental protection authorities, but also for research institutes, universities, or any other type of organization with environmental activities. The restoration scheme will open a framework to share experience, expertise and knowledge regarding peat-lands restoration and conservation, between Romania and donor states

Summary of project results

The main PeatRO project objective was the development of national strategies for halting the biodiversity loss in the degraded peatland ecosystems from Romania. This goal was achieved by implementation of 6 specific objectives: (1) Identification and assessment of the areas in need of restoration/reconstruction; (2) Establishing a national strategy for the restoration of the hydrological regime in degraded peatland ecosystems; (3) Establishing a national strategy for the elimination of invasive species from the degraded peatland ecosystems; (4) Establishing a national strategy for restoring the connectivity between peat habitats; (5) Developing medium and long-term strategies for the conservation of certain species which are characteristic for the peatlands from Romania; (6) Integrating the results in a common unitary policy for the reconstruction of the degraded peat habitats from Romania. Main project results & outcomes are: (i) 17 technical-scientific reports (on the main hazards that threatens; list of invasive species to be controlled; red list of degraded peatlands requiring restoration/reconstruction interviews; on the identification and evaluation of problems related to the financing of restoration/reconstruction activities, scientific report upon restoration of Protected Area of Mlaca Tătarilor (ROSCI0112), a.s.o.), (ii) 19 GIS maps of the Romanian ecosystems (maps of peatland ecosystems affected by drainage; maps of the main areas affected by the fragmentation of peatland habitats; maps of degraded peatland ecosystems to be restored/rebuilt, a.s.o), (iii) 5 proposals for national plans (for restoring water regime in degraded peat ecosystems; to combat invasive species affecting degraded peat ecosystems; to restore the connectivity between peat habitats, a.s.o.), (iv) a proposal for a national program, (v) a restoration guide, (vi) restoration schemes for at least 50 Natura 2000 sites in Romania. Continuation of PeatRo directions will involve: completion of 138 non-evaluated peat ecosystems field research; restoration/reconstruction measures for sites included in Romanian national degraded peatlands restoration program; implementation of the national medium & long-term conservation plans for species with high conservative value; documentation for the new identified Natura 2000 sites during PeatRo (Avrig (SB) and Stupini (BV) marshland); reconstruction of the exploited peat bog from Pilugani (SV) and restoration of the marshes - Făgăraş Depression.

Summary of bilateral results