The project defines application of new techniques of data collection and monitoring of hydro-geomorphological evolution parameters. The main objectives of the project are: - Data collection in the field, through measurements without intrinsic human intervention (with UAVs and USV) - Designing of the hydrological rehabilitation models, using both the historical data and the measurements and monitoring data collected directly in the field or with the help of UAVs and USV. - Modeling the hydrological rehabilitation measures and estimating the impact of these measures on the alluvial and biological processes. - Selecting the optimal restoration solution. - Engineering the hydraulic project in accordance with the final chosen restoration solution. - Achieving partial works of rehabilitation for the Island Fundu Mare, in the limits of the available budget and according the hydro technical project. - Dissemination of project results on three directions (for all over Europe wetlands and wet areas, for all over Romania nature parks and for all the European countries members of the Danube Strategy program) As a main result, we expect to achieve an increased active area for the Fundu Mare Island, part of the Ramsar Site 1074. The projects results are expected to be in the benefit of the local communities and tourists as well as of the main authorities. This international partnership is about to represent a valuable exchange of expertise between environmental experts both from Romania and Norway.
Summary of project results
One of the main threats identified in the Small Wetland of Brăila Natural Protected Area (Natural Park, SCI, SPA, Ramsar site) is represented by the accentuated clogging of the inner lakes due to the deposition of alluviums, which in time can lead to fragmentation and even disappearance of aquatic habitats in the natural protected area. The accelerated deposition of alluviums is due to the location of the lake bottom above the Danube level, as well as the poor supplying with water from the river due to the disappearance of natural and anthropogenic channels of water circulation to and from the lake. By precisely identifying the causes that lead to these aspects by using intrinsic research methods without human intervention (drone) and by developing a technical project that captures both hydrotechnical and ecological aspects, the project aims to develop and implement a model for reducing the clogging proces of the inner lakes ( and consequently the extensive development of willow seedlings, precursor of invasive terrestrial habitats), resulting in an increased surface area of aquatic habitats (specific to a Ramsar site), their fluency and therefore an optimal conservation status for all species of flora and fauna that depend, on one of the life stages, of the aquatic environment. The results obtained: • Increase of the active surface of the RAMSAR 1074 site, during periods of water deficit due to the construction of 2 stoves for the 4 lakes, with a total of 837 ha of water. • Realization of complex hydrological rehabilitation works of degraded aquatic habitats from the island of Fundu Mare, at the level of project financing. • Carrying out a global hydrotechnical project for complex hydrological rehabilitation works, the only way for the management that can further improve the degradation trend and preserve the natural capital offered by the complex of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in Fundu Mare. • The apparent increase in populations of the 23 species of community interest (9 species of fish and 14 species of birds) considered as fanion species within the project. • Applying an unprecedented global technique for collecting field data and monitoring the evolution of hydrogeomorphological parameters, avifauna, ichthyofauna and terrestrial and aquatic vegetation without human intrinsic intervention, which is a sense of meaning for any area of integral protection, part of a protected natural area.
Summary of bilateral results
There was a valuable exchange of expertise between Romanian and Norwegian specialists on: ● expedient methods of study in the following fields: Hydro-geomorphological dynamics, ornithology, ihtiology and terrestrial and aquatic vegetation ● modeling trends in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems ● methods for establishing ecological restoration scenarios followed by validation of the best measures to be adopted ● general adaptive and integrated management principles applicable in situations similar to those in Fundu Mare Island.