In Romania the value of ecosystems and their services are not well known by decision makers. Therefore, economic planning and development is often ad-hoc and progressed without the consideration of the changes it involves in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem services and thus the long term interests of people and nature. The objective of the project is to identify, quantify and map the main ecosystem services within the project area and, using that knowledge, analyze the contribution of ecosystem services to main economic sectors. The outcomes of the project are local ecosystem services identified, assessed and mapped, and a study on the contribution of protected areas, natural ecosystems and ecosystem services to main economic sectors in the concerned region. The result of the project will be: 1 study on the contribution of ecosystem services to sectors of economy 3 protected areas analyzed Awareness raised on the contribution of ecosystem services in key economic sectors Central government entities, local authorities, academic institutions, NGOs, private sector, tourists, visitors, general public, local community will benefit from this project’s outcomes. The project has no donor partner. The partners will contribute in this project with experts, knowhow and experience.
Summary of project results
The project has directly contributed to the overall objective of the program by raising awareness of the assessment of ecosystem services in relation to the objectives and priorities of the strategies and lines of action adopted at European and national level. The overall objective of the project has been fully achieved by completing a scientific and comprehensive process of mapping and assessing the main services of ecosystems at regional level, which has ensured a high level of information and knowledge on these themes. The project ensures the integration of biodiversity and ecosystem issues into sectoral policies at local and national level and contributes to preserving and improving the status of ecosystems, having a reversal effect on their negative influences. The implementation of the project determined the collaboration between the project leader (Milvus Group Association) in Romania and two partner entities (MTA-OK and CeeWEB for Biodiversity). During implementation 17 activities were developed, structured in 4 main groups. The project has helped to improve knowledge, information and awareness of decision-makers, stakeholders and the general public on the benefits of ecosystem services and the importance of keeping them in a favorable conservation status. 1 study synthesis report, 1 Summary of the study, 4 Summaries for stakeholders have been realized. Study visits, conferences (3 conferences/100 participants) and meetings were organized for exchange experience between the staff involved in project implementation, having an impact on the three entities and leading to improved knowledge and skills. In addition to sharing knowledge and experiences, good cooperation between partners will continue in the future, The cooperation has helped to strengthen the project promoter's knowledge of existing and accepted European research methods in this field. By the required methods, the promoter has managed to develop close relations with the local community in the Natura2000 protected areas, where the study took place. The implementation of the project in partnership and the joint activities led to the improvement of knowledge and the development of mutual understanding between the members of the three entities involved.
Summary of bilateral results