Summary of project results
The project long-term goal (main objective) was to improve knowledge and policies regarding the contribution of Natura 2000 ecosystems sites to economic development and human well-being. 15 studies and 15 databases (12 studies and databases for 12 Natura 2000 protected natural areas of community importance (SCI); 3 studies and databases for 3 Natura 2000 birds protected natural areas (SPA) to the main economic areas) were developed for Natura 2000 sites of Vaslui County regarding the contribution of ecosystems in the protected areas to the main economic sectors. O web page ( was developed. On the web page are described the 15 sites targeted by the project in terms of conservation aspects: the species of community importance, as well as the geographic, socio-economic, cultural, tourist location of the region where the sites belong to. A large number of inhabitants (1501 people from 71 local communities), participated in organized events (30 meetings) with potential beneficiaries, were informed and involved in adopting of an environmentally friendly lifestyle in correlation with the traditional anthropic activities in the protected area. The project awareness and information campaign ”Nature – our life and home” assessment was effectively weighted through a sociological research (study - questionnaires distributed) of a target group consisting in 765 pupils and 770 adults from 15 localities of the Vaslui County Natura 2000 sites. Thus, the project demonstrates the fulfilment of the increasing awareness of the stakeholder groups in Natura 2000 sites in Vaslui County specific objective by 35%. The sociological study concluded that second project objective was accomplished 100%. During project implementation were organized 15 workshops with potential beneficiaries of certified products, attended by 590 persons, a fair for bio-ecological–natural products (150 persons participated; 7 certificates were issued for local products), 2 sessions on the results of the studies (112 persons) and training workshop for business plans for 40 persons. Were created and distributed dissemination materials as: brochures, brochures for children and adults, posters, stickers and printed promotional materials. The media publicity was fulfilled by 2 press conferences for project publicity and 4 press releases. The project created a base for a management model promotion on the sustainable development possibilities of Romanian small and medium communities.